§ 14.0. Review and update of drought contingency plan.

Latest version.
  • As required by TCEQ rules, Irving reviews this drought contingency plan every five (5) years. Since the plan was developed in 1999, it has undergone revisions in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 (required five-year update), and twice in 2011. The April 2009 update of the emergency water management plan was the first comprehensive five-year review required by the state since the plan was revised in 2005. The plan will be examined and updated on an ongoing basis, as appropriate, based on new or updated information. As the plan is reviewed and subsequently updated, a copy of the revised drought contingency and water conservation plan will be submitted to the TCEQ and the RCWPG for their records.

(Ord. No. 2011-9302, § 1, 12-8-11)