§ 4.0. Public education.  

Latest version.
  • The Irving Water Utilities Department will periodically provide the public with information about the plan, including information about the trigger conditions under which each plan stage is initiated or terminated and the water use restrictions which will be implemented under each stage.

    • Public education and information will be provided by various methods, including: publication in newspapers of general circulation in the city; press releases to local and area media; announcements and discussions on the city's cable access channel; and utility bill inserts.

    • Updated information about the drought contingency plan is posted and maintained on the city's web site, www.cityofirving.org .

    • Water utilities staff members maintain contact with local organizations, schools, and civic groups with the express purpose of providing information and support regarding water-related programs, including information on the plan. Irving Water Utilities staff members are available to make presentations on the drought contingency plan (usually in conjunction with presentations on water conservation programs).

    Any time the drought contingency plan is activated or the drought stage changes, Irving will notify local media of the issues, the drought response stage, and the specific actions required of the public. The information will also be publicized on the Irving web site, www.cityofirving.org. In addition, billing inserts will be used as appropriate.

    The Irving Water Utilities staff will ensure that the city council is provided with status reports on drought response events and water emergencies as well as their respective results.

(Ord. No. 2011-9302, § 1, 12-8-11)