§ 8.2.2. Stage 2—Water warning.  

Latest version.
  • Goal. Reduce the average daily water demand below one hundred (100) percent of the combined maximum wholesale flow rate contracted from DWU and from Irving Lake Chapman water supply.

    Water use restrictions. All restrictions/requirements of stage 1 shall remain in effect during stage 2. Under threat of penalty for violation, the following water use restrictions shall apply during stage 2:


    Irrigation: Landscape watering is limited to twice per week based on the last digit of the service address.


    Even numbered addresses (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) water Tuesdays and Saturdays only.


    Odd numbered addresses (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) water Wednesdays and Sundays only.


    Properties having multiple addresses will be identified by the lowest address number. If no number exists, the director or his/her designee will assign one.


    Landscape watering will not be permitted on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays.


    Landscape watering is prohibited between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.


    Recommend irrigation of landscaped areas by means of hand-held hose, soaker hose, bucket, or drip irrigation system.


    Car wash:


    Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle is prohibited, except on designated landscape watering days.


    Such washing, when done, shall be with a hose with a positive shutoff nozzle and/or buckets for hand washing.


    No residential car washing is permitted between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.


    Commercial car washing may continue on any day.


    Fund raiser car washes are prohibited.


    City staff will reduce car washing to the extent practical for business operations given the need for health, safety and welfare considerations.


    Foundations, trees and new plantings:


    Foundations, trees and new plantings may be watered up to two (2) hours on the designated watering days as prescribed for stage 2 irrigation.


    Watering of foundations, trees, and new plantings should be accomplished by soaker hose, hand-held hose with positive shutoff spray nozzle or drip systems.


    Nursery irrigation:


    Businesses with plant stock are asked to review watering practices and ensure care is taken to prevent water wasting.


    Plant stock may be watered on any day with drip system, soaker hose, bucket or hose bearing a positive shutoff nozzle.


    Public garden/park irrigation: Maintenance personnel must use the twice weekly irrigation schedule prescribed in stage 2 of this plan.


    Golf course irrigation:


    Maintenance personnel must use the twice weekly watering schedule prescribed in stage 2 of this plan for fairways and other areas.


    Only tee boxes and greens may be watered on any day, though watering should be kept at a level that meets only minimum requirements.


    Athletic field irrigation: Maintenance personnel must use the twice weekly watering schedule prescribed in stage 2 of this plan in maintaining athletic fields in a manner that meets health and safety standards.


    Filling pools and hot tubs: Filling pools and hot tubs is prohibited except for required maintenance and repair or new construction.


    Ornamental fountain operations: Operation of ornamental fountains or ponds for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited with the following exceptions:


    To support aquatic life, or


    Where such fountains or ponds are equipped with a recirculation system.


    Repair of known leaks:


    In order to maximize the elimination of water loss, residents are asked to repair identified leaks on private property within two (2) weeks.


    To the extent city staff discover such leaks, a written notice will be provided.


    New landscaping:


    It is recommended that installation be delayed as watering must adhere to the stage 2, twice per week schedule.


    It is recommended that installation maximize the use of xeriscaping and/or drought tolerant plants to the extent possible to minimize water requirements.


    Cool season grass overseeding: Installation of cool season grasses for aesthetic purposes is prohibited.


    Grass overseeding for erosion control:


    Overseeding of grasses for erosion control is permitted for up to thirty (30) days only with a written variance from the director (see section 12.0).


    Where a variance is granted, landscape maintenance personnel are encouraged to minimize turf area to the extent practical to reduce irrigation needs.


    Water from fire hydrants:


    Use of water from hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting activities.


    Water for construction purposes may only be allowed with a special permit from Irving Water Utilities.


    Washing pavement, buildings and windows:


    This use is considered non-essential and is prohibited.


    The only exception is in preparation for painting a building.


    Drinking water at restaurants and bars: As a water conservation measure, businesses that serve food or beverage are encouraged to provide water to customers on request only.


    Wet street sweeping: To reduce water use, the city will reduce the use of wet street sweeping.


    High volume residential use:


    City staff will review water use across residential customers and identify the highest users.


    Staff will offer residential water audits to those customer identified as using the most water.


    Staff will point out specific practices that can reduce water consumption, as well as identify private leaks.


    Commercial and industrial use:


    City staff will review water use across commercial, industrial and multi-family users.


    Staff will consult with the businesses regarding the reduction of water use.


    Non-essential use: The following uses of water are defined as non-essential and are prohibited:


    Washing sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts or other hard-surfaced areas.


    Washing buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection or in preparation for painting.


    Use of water for dust control.


    Flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in any gutter or street.


    Failure to repair controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s).


    Operation of free-flowing or any other water devices for recreational purposes.

(Ord. No. 2011-9302, § 1, 12-8-11)