§ 10-2. Powers and duties of the emergency management coordinator and office of emergency management.  

Latest version.
  • The emergency management coordinator, supervises the office of emergency management, either directly or by delegation. The powers and duties of the office of emergency management are as follows:


    Develop and maintain in current form an emergency management plan for the City of Irving in accordance with established state and federal guidelines. Such emergency management plan and any changes shall become effective upon approval of the city manager. The plan shall set forth the form of the organization, establish and designate divisions and functions, assign responsibilities, tasks, duties, and powers, and designate officers and employees to carry out its provisions. The emergency management plan shall be considered supplementary to this chapter and have the effect of law during the time of a disaster:


    Establishing wage, price and rent controls and other economic stabilization methods in the event of disaster.


    Establishing curfews, blockades, and limitations on utility usage in an area affected by a disaster, rules governing ingress and egress to the affected area, and other security measures.


    Maintain necessary liaisons and coordinate cooperative activities with other municipal, county, district, regional, state, federal and other civil defense and disaster relief organizations.


    Draft and recommend for adoption by the city council mutual aid plans and agreements deemed essential or desirable for the implementation of the city's emergency management plan and coordination of combined area disaster services efforts, including the formation of a county or other joint disaster services council and emergency management plan and the appointment of a disaster coordinator for such joint effort.


    Survey the availability of existing and potential personnel, equipment, supplies, services and facilities for use during an emergency, and procure and dispose of all necessary equipment, supplies, and facilities, including acceptance of private contributions and assistance.


    Continue the study of emergency management and disaster relief problems. Recommend any needed amendments and improvement of the emergency management plan, keeping current with all federal and state regulatory and informational requirements.


    Certify the city emergency management plan and any mutual aid emergency management plan, and execute mutual aid agreements.


    Control and direct all actual operations and training activities in emergency management and disaster relief.


    Make a determination of all questions of authority and responsibility in connection with emergency management and disaster relief.


    Negotiate and authorize agreements, subject to the approval of the city council, when required, for the use of private property for public shelter or other necessary purposes during the course of an emergency.


    Act as a clearing house on emergency management information for all governmental and private agencies cooperating in the emergency management plan.


    Maintain contact with the division of emergency management of the office of the governor, providing prompt and efficient response to all requests and suggestions of the division and other agencies and departments of federal, state, and county governments in connection with emergency management and disaster relief.


    Marshal, upon the declaration of an emergency, all necessary personnel, equipment, and supplies from any department of the city and from private contributors to aid in implementation of the emergency management plan.

(Ord. No. 7443, § 1, 3-25-99)