§ 24-8.2. Painting curbs, sidewalks and streets prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to paint or apply other markings to either the street, the curb or the sidewalk.


    Any of the following shall be affirmative defenses:


    That the person was employed by or under contract with a governmental agency having responsibility for the maintenance and/or marking of said street and that the person was painting or marking the street, sidewalk or curb as part of their official employment or contract.


    That the person was painting the address number on the curb in front of the premises corresponding to such number, and:


    Was the owner or occupant of said premises, or


    Had obtained written permission from the owner or occupant of said premises prior to painting the address number.


    The street, sidewalk or curb was not along a public street or within a public right-of-way.

(Ord. No. 4570, § 1, 12-6-84)