§ 27-5. Application for identification card.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A person seeking an identification card for the purpose of conducting solicitation shall file an application with the director on the application form provided by the director. Such application shall contain at a minimum the following information:


    The complete, legal, recognized names and any associated aliases, logos, nicknames, and the date and place of birth of each individual who will be engaged in commercial solicitation and any aliases, logos, nicknames, and abbreviated names, and the date and place of birth of each individual who will be engaged in commercial solicitation and a governmentally issued photo identification, a copy of which must accompany the application.


    Whether the person applying is a natural person, partnership, corporation, or association and:


    The business or residence address, telephone number, and e-mail address and facsimile number, if applicable, of the applicant;


    If a partnership, the name of all partners and the principal business address, telephone number, and e-mail address and facsimile number, if applicable, of each partner;


    If a corporation or any other entity required to be registered with the Texas Secretary of State, the person applying shall state whether it is organized under the laws of this state or is a foreign corporation, and must show the mailing address, address of the registered agent, business location, telephone number, name of the individual in charge of such corporation and the individual's e-mail address and facsimile number, if applicable, and, if a foreign corporation, the place of incorporation;


    If an association, the application shall show the association's principal business address and telephone number and shall show names and principal business or residence addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses and facsimile numbers, if applicable, of all members of the association unless they exceed ten (10) in number, in which case the application shall so state and the person registering may alternatively list the name and principal business or residence address, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses and facsimile numbers, if applicable, of the officers and directors or trustees of the association. If the association is a part of a multi-state organization or association, the applicant also shall include the mailing address and business location of its central office, in addition to the mailing address and business location of its local office.


    The name, mailing and physical address, telephone number, and e-mail address and facsimile number, if applicable, and identifying information of all individuals who will be in direct charge or control of the solicitation, as well as the name, mailing and physical address, telephone number, and e-mail address and facsimile number, if applicable, and identifying information for each individual who will be soliciting for the applying person or organization.


    The time period within which the solicitation is to be made, giving the date of the beginning of solicitation and its projected conclusion, how often the applicant will engage in solicitation during the specified time period, and during what times of day that the applicant will engage in solicitation.


    A description of the methods and means by which the solicitation is to be accomplished.


    The nature of the merchandise to be sold or offered for sale or the nature of the services to be furnished.


    Whether such applicant, upon any such order so obtained, will demand, accept, or receive payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery.


    A statement to the effect that if an identification card is granted, such identification card will not be used as or represented to be an endorsement by the city or any of its officers or employees.


    Any other information which the city staff deems necessary for the administration of this chapter.


    The applicant shall not provide a post office box as his address on the application for the identification card.


    The application must be signed by the applicant, if the person applying is an individual; if the person applying is a partnership, by the partner charged with disbursing funds solicited; if the person applying is a corporation or an association, by its officer charged with disbursing the funds solicited. The individual signing the application shall sign the application and swear before an officer authorized to administer oaths that he has carefully read the application and that all the information contained therein is true and correct.


    Information provided by applicant may be subject to verification by the police department.


    Such application shall also show satisfactory written proof of the individual's authority to represent the company.


    Application must be accompanied by a copy of a valid state sales tax certificate, if applicable.


    A nonrefundable fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), per application, and an additional ten dollars ($10.00) for each individual listed on the application who shall be engaging in solicitation for the applicant. No identification card provided for by this chapter shall be issued until such fee has been paid by the applicant. Individuals who file a verified statement indicating their indigent status are exempt from paying this fee. If the information is provided in a digital format compatible with the city system, the fee may be capped at five hundred dollars ($500.00).


    The applicant must notify the director in writing of any material change in the information contained in the application for an identification card within five (5) days of the change.

(Ord. No. 2009-9086, § 2, 6-25-09)