§ 27-9. Denial or revocation of identification card.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An identification card issued under this chapter may be revoked and the person who had the identification card may be prohibited from reapplying for the period covered by the original application, or an application for an identification card may be denied, when it has been determined that:


    An applicant has knowingly given false or misleading information on an application;


    An applicant has been convicted of theft or fraud or a violation of any city, state, or federal law, in connection with said solicitation;


    An applicant or the entity has made or caused to be made, false statements or misrepresentations to any member of the public with regard to the solicitation;


    An applicant or the entity violates any part of any of the provisions of this chapter; or


    A person creates a traffic or safety hazard to themselves, the users of the roadway, property owner, or occupant of a private premises.


    If the director denies an application for an identification card, he shall notify the applicant in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of the application of the denial and the basis of the denial.


    Prior to revoking the identification card, the director shall deliver written notice of the possible revocation, the basis of the revocation, and a statement that the registrant has five (5) days after delivery to comply with the notice to prevent revocation.


    Upon revocation of the identification card, the director shall send written notice of revocation, the basis of the revocation, and a statement informing the registrant of the right to appeal a revocation.


    If the director denies the issuance of an identification card or revokes an identification card, the action is final unless the applicant or registrant files a written appeal to the city manager within ten (10) calendar days of delivery of the notice of revocation or denial. Failure to file an appeal in accordance with this section is a waiver of appeal, and the director's decision shall be final.


    After receipt of notice of revocation, the registrant shall, on or before the date specified in the notice, discontinue engaging in solicitation and surrender the identification card to the director.

(Ord. No. 2009-9086, § 2, 6-25-09)