§ 34-10. Duty to maintain sidewalk elevators; liability for injuries from defective elevator.  

Latest version.
  • The owner, occupant or tenant shall be charged with the duty of maintaining any sidewalk elevator or lift in a state of good repair and shall keep the surface doors in good condition and flush with the level of the surrounding sidewalk, so that the traveling public will not be endangered in its life or property. In the event any member of the public shall receive injuries or damages because of the owner's, tenant's or occupant's failure to keep such elevator in good repair, then such owner, tenant or occupant shall be primarily liable for any damages or injuries caused to or suffered by any member of the public through such failure and hold the city harmless; provided, that if the owner, tenant or occupant should completely remove such elevator or lift from the sidewalk and the space underneath, filling such space according to the best engineering practices, and standards and reconstructing the sidewalk in like manner, then no further charge shall be made against such owner, tenant or occupant.

(Ord. No. 1160, § 43-119)