§ 34-21. Construction by city upon property owner's failure to do so.  

Latest version.
  • Should any person owning any property abutting on or adjacent to any street of the city, which property falls within the requirements of the provisions of this article, fail or refuse to construct any such sidewalks in the manner required by this article, the city, if it so desires, such desire to be expressed by ordinance duly adopted by the city council at the time the council wishes to instigate the installation of any given sidewalk, may proceed to construct or cause to be constructed such sidewalks and the cost of constructing the same shall be charged against the owners of such adjacent or abutting property. Such costs of construction, together with legal interest and costs of collection shall constitute a personal claim against such owners of adjacent or abutting property and shall be secured by a lien on such property superior to all other liens, claims or titles, except lawful taxes, and such liability and lien may be enforced against such owner or owners by suit in any court having competent jurisdiction.

(Ord. No. 534, § 5)