§ 34A-10. Construction and maintenance standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following shall be required when facilities are constructed in the right-of-way, regardless of whether a permit is required, and, to the extent applicable, for as long as the facilities remain in the right-of-way.


    The city must be notified twenty-four (24) hours in advance that construction is ready to proceed by the right-of-way user, their contractor or representative. The right-of-way user or contractor must previously called for any needed locations for right-of-way facilities. At the time of notification, the right-of-way user will inform the city manager of the number (or other information) assigned from the one-call system. The provider must have previously contracted the city and obtained all needed locational information for city utilities.


    All construction shall be in conformance with all city codes and applicable local, state and federal laws and must be done in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable sections of this chapter.


    Three by three (3 × 3) feet information signs stating the identity of the person doing the work, telephone number and permittee's identity and telephone number shall be placed at the location where construction is to occur forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of work in the right-of-way and shall continue to be posted at the location during the entire time the work is occurring. An informational sign will be posted on public right-of-way one hundred (100) feet before the construction location commences and each one hundred (100) feet thereafter, unless other posting arrangements are approved or required by the city manager.


    Erosion control measures (e.g. silt fence) and advance warning signs, markers, cones and barricades must be in place before work begins.


    Lane closures on major thoroughfares will be limited after 8:30 a.m. and before 4:00 p.m. unless the city manager grants prior approval. Arrow boards will be required on lane closures, with all barricades, advanced warning signs and thirty-six (36) inch reflector cones placed according to the specifications of the city manager and must be in accordance with the filed lane closure plan approved by the city manager.


    Permittees are responsible for the workmanship and any damages by a contractors or subcontractors. A responsible representative of the permittee will be available to city staff at all times during construction.


    Permittee shall be responsible for storm water management erosion control that complies with city, state and federal guidelines. Requirements shall include, but not be limited to, silt fencing around any excavation that will be left overnight, silt fencing in erosion areas until reasonable vegetation is established, barricade fencing around open holes, and high erosion areas will require wire backed silt fencing. Upon request permittee may be required to furnish documentation submitted or received from federal or state government.


    Permittee or contractor or subcontractor will notify the city manager immediately of any damage to other utilities, either city or privately owned.


    It is the city's policy not to cut streets or sidewalks; however, when a street or sidewalk cut is required, prior approval must be obtained by the city manager and all requirements of the city manager shall be followed. Repair of all street and sidewalk removals must be made promptly to avoid safety hazards to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.


    Installation of facilities must not interfere with city utilities, in particular gravity dependent facilities.


    New facilities must be installed to a depth approved by the city manager.


    All directional boring shall have locator place bore marks and depths while bore is in progress. The boring method and bore pit locations shall be identified. Locator shall place mark at each stem with paint dot and depth at least every other stem.


    The working hours in the rights-of-way are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work that needs to be performed after 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday must be approved in advance. Any work performed on Saturday must be approved twenty-four (24) hours in advance by the city manager. Directional boring is permitted only Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., unless other hours are approved in advance. No work will be done on Sundays or city holidays, except for emergencies.


    People working in the right-of-way are responsible for obtaining line locates from all affected utilities or others with facilities in the right-of-way prior to any excavation. Use of the Geographic Information System or the plans of records does not satisfy this requirement.


    Permittee will be responsible for verifying the location, both horizontal and vertical, of all facilities. When required by the city manager, permittee shall verify locations by pot holing, hand digging or other method approved by the city manager prior to any excavation or boring with the exception of work involving lane closures, as discussed above.


    Placement of all manholes and/or hand holes must be approved in advance by city manager. Handholes or manholes will not be located in sidewalks, unless approved by the city manager.


    Locate flags shall not be removed from a location while facilities are being constructed.


    Construction which requires pumping of water or mud shall be contained in accordance with City of Irving ordinances and federal and state law and the directives of the city manager.


    All facilities installed in the right-of-way shall be in earth tone colors or in colors that blend with the surroundings, or if on a service pole or municipally owned pole shall match the color and finish of the pole, or must be approved by the city.


    All facilities installed in the right-of-way shall be capable of being identified through a GIS shape file or other means as acceptable to the city manager or designee. Said identification shall be provided at the time of application and shall be visible on the facilities when installed.


    Above ground wires shall be located on only one (1) side of the right-of-way.


    The right-of-way user or contractor must obtain any needed permits for electrical work and provide sealed engineered drawings for conduit size, circuit size, calculations for amperage, or any other required information. Provider shall be responsible for obtaining any required electrical power service to any installation. Any such electrical supply must be separately metered and must match city infrastructure voltage.


    Right-of-way users shall complete construction as expeditiously as possible and lane closures or work that inconveniences the traveling public shall be minimized. Lane closures shall not last longer than four (4) hours, unless a different period of time is shown on the permit.


    Right-of-way work shall be completed in the amount of time shown on the permit; but if no completion time is shown on the permit the work shall be complete in not more than one (1) year.


    All right-of-way work and facilities installed shall be done in a good workman like manner; shall meet all applicable codes; shall be maintained and kept in good repair and shall be aesthetically pleasing.


    All efforts shall be made to avoid or minimize negative visual impact to the surrounding area and to enhance the safety requirement for vehicles and pedestrians, particularly in areas where small children or other vulnerable members of the population may be located.


    Installations which require ancillary ground equipment with a footprint of twenty-five (25) square feet or more shall be spaced at least three hundred (300) feet apart.


    The name, address and phone numbers of the contractor or subcontractor who will perform the actual construction, including the name and telephone number of an individual with the contractor who will be available at all times during construction. Such information shall be required prior to the commencement of any work.


    A statement that the requirements of subsection 34A-8 "Registration" are met.


    A traffic control plan, which shall specify the traffic control measures to be provided, SWPPP, and trench safety plan may also be required based on the proposed scope of work. An approved traffic control plan shall be required any time work will require traffic lane closures or sidewalk closures, regardless of whether a permit is required.


    A traffic control plan approved by the city manager, which shall specify the traffic control measures to be provided, SWPPP, and trench safety plan may also be required based on the proposed scope of work. An approved traffic control plan shall be required any time work will require traffic lane closures or sidewalk closures, regardless of whether a permit is required.


    Any proposed work that involves the installation of facilities that will utilize radio frequencies shall not cause any interference with city public safety radio system, traffic signal light system or other city communications systems or components, regardless of whether or not a permit is required. The right-of-way user shall provide evidence in a form acceptable to the city that the proposed installation will be compatible with said city systems and will not cause any interference with the city public safety radio system, traffic signal light system or other city communications systems or components. No installation shall be allowed to be installed or to remain in the right-of-way that causes any such interference.


    To the extent applicable, the above requirements shall continue during the entire time that the installed facilities remain in the Right-of-Way.

( Ord. No. 2017-9964, § 2, 8-10-17 )