§ 34A-12. Conformance with public improvements.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever by reasons of widening or straightening of streets, water or sewer line projects, or any other public works or city projects, (e.g. install or improve storm drains, water lines, sewer lines, or any other public works or city project.) it shall be deemed necessary by the governing body of the city to remove, alter, change, adapt, or conform the underground or overhead facilities of a right-of-way user to another part of the right-of-way, such alterations shall be made by the owner of the facilities at their expense (unless provided otherwise by state law or a franchise in effect on August 26, 1999, until that franchise expires or is otherwise terminated or is amended or the tariff is changed) within the time limits set by the city manager working in conjunction with the owner of the facilities, or if no time frame can be agreed upon, within ninety (90) days from the day the notice was sent to make the alterations, unless a different schedule has been approved by the city manager or designee. Facilities not moved after ninety (90) days or the time set forth in the notice shall be deemed abandoned and may be removed in accordance with section 34A-18 "Abandoned Facilities."

( Ord. No. 2017-9964, § 2, 8-10-17 )