§ 34A-102. Prohibited or restricted areas for wireless facilities in the right-of-way.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prohibited: Municipal Parks and Residential Areas. A Network Provider may not install a new Node Support Pole in the following locations:


    in a Municipal Park; or


    in right-of-way that is adjacent to a Street that is:


    not more than fifty (50) feet wide at average width, measuring vehicular traveled portion only as set out in the definition of "Street" and the measurement does not include intersection and refers only to the main traveled portion measured at mid-block or mid-point between intersections; and


    adjacent to developed or undeveloped single-family residential lots, other multifamily residential area or land that is designated for residential use by zoning or deed restrictions.


    Construction in right-of-way adjacent to a school is prohibited, unless all contractors, sub-contractors, or other workers follow all statutory requirements in the Educational Code regarding work on school grounds, including but not limited to chapters 21 and 22.


    Prohibited: Undergrounding District.


    Above ground structures shall not be installed in an Underground District or Underground Requirement Area, except as provided herein.


    A Network Provider shall comply with nondiscriminatory undergrounding requirements, including municipal ordinances, zoning regulations, state law, private deed restrictions, and other public or private restrictions, that prohibit installing aboveground structures in a public right-of-way without first obtaining the appropriate zoning, land use approval or other required approval.


    In addition to areas designated in this ordinance, future areas may be designated from time to time by the city as Underground Required Areas by any means, including but not limited to means such as ordinances, resolutions, or filed plats. If an area is converted from an area that allows overhead lines to one that prohibits overhead lines, all subsequent installations shall meet the requirements for an Underground District.


    If a location is designated by the city to be Underground required area, then a network provider's permit for the location of the micro network node, network node, node support pole, and related ground equipment at such location will be automatically revoked, with removal of said the micro network node, network node, node support pole, and related ground equipment at such location within ninety (90) days of such designation, or as otherwise allowed for the transition of other overhead facilities.


    Restricted: Historic District and Design Districts.


    A Network Provider must obtain advance written approval from the city before collocating network nodes or installing node support poles in a design district with decorative poles or in an area of the city zoned or otherwise designated as a design district or historic district.


    Concealment required.


    As a condition for approval of Network Nodes or Node Support poles in design districts with decorative poles or in a historic district, concealment measures are required for network nodes or node support poles or related ground equipment or any portion of the nodes, poles, or equipment.


    Said concealment measures shall minimize the impact to the aesthetics in a historic district or design district.


    Network Provider shall comply with and observe all applicable city, state, and federal historic preservation laws and requirements.


    Historic preservation laws and requirements. Network provider shall comply with and observe all applicable city, state, and federal laws and requirements, including historic preservation laws and requirements.


    Historic landmarks. Network provider is discouraged from installing a network node or node support pole within three hundred (300) feet of a historic site or structure or historic landmark recognized by the city, state or federal government (see, for example, and not limited to § 442.001(3) of the Texas Government Code, and 16 U.S.C. §470), as of the date of the submission of the permit.


    Designated areas.


    The council may designate an area as a historic district, design district or underground district at any time.


    Underground district.


    Underground District Number 1 is the area referred to as Las Colinas. Its boundaries are approximately as follows: bordered by interstate highway 635 on the North, the Elm Fork of the Trinity River on the East, Northgate Drive on the South and Belt Line Road on the West.


    Underground District Number 2 is the area referred to as Valley Ranch. Its boundaries are approximately as follows: Interstate highway 635 on the South, the Irving/Coppell city limit line on the North, the levee of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River on the East and the Irving/Dallas city limit line on the West.


    Underground District Number 3 is the area referred to as La Villita. Its boundaries are approximately as follows: President George Bush Turnpike/Interstate highway 161 on the North, Elm Fork of the Trinity River on the East, East Royal Lane on the South, and Las Colinas Boulevard on the West.


    Underground Districts or Underground Requirement Areas are not limited to those designated above and any area that meets the definition of Underground District or Underground Requirement Area shall be considered to be an Underground District or Underground Requirement Area. An area does not need to be designated by this Ordinance to be considered to be within an Underground District. Such designation does not require a zoning case. Any area declared to be an Underground District by City Council or any area that meets the definition of Underground District or Underground Requirement Area shall be subject to all requirements and protections for an Underground District.


    Historic district.


    Historic District Number 1 is Heritage Crossing. Its boundaries are available in the Community Development department and are approximately from Pioneer Drive on the north end, MacArthur Boulevard on the west end, Britain Road on the east end and Shady Grove on the south end and the district includes both sides of the boundary streets.


    Historic Districts are not limited to those designated above and any area that meets the definition of historic district shall be considered to be a historic district. An area does not need to be designated by this ordinance to be considered to be within a historic district. Such designation does not require a zoning case. Any area declared to be a historic district by city council or any area that meets the definition of historic district shall be subject to all requirements and protections for a historic district.


    Design district. Design districts are not limited to those designated above and any area that meets the definition of design district shall be considered to be a design district. The city council may designate an area as a design district at any time. An area does not need to be designated in this ordinance to be considered to be within a design district. Such a designation does not require a zoning case. Any area designated by city council as a design district or any area that meets the definition of a design district shall be subject to all requirements and protections for a design district.


    Defense. It shall be a defense to the above requirements prohibiting or restricting location of facilities in a park, residential area, historic district, design district or underground district that the network provider obtained advance written approval or waiver of restrictions from the city before collocating new network nodes or installing new node support poles or ground equipment in a prohibited or restricted location. In any prosecution herein for such prohibition or violation of any restrictions, it shall be an affirmative defense to have an agreement with the city that approved such location or waived the applicable restriction.

    If an agreement is granted to locate in a prohibited location, the network provider shall be required, as a condition for approval of new network nodes or new node support poles in a prohibited location, to install reasonable design or concealment measures for the new network nodes or new node support poles. Therefore, any request for installations in a prohibited location, must be accompanied with concealment measures in the permit applications.

    The city requests that a network provider explore the feasibility of using certain camouflage measures to improve the aesthetics of the network nodes, node support poles, or related ground equipment, or any portion of the nodes, poles, or equipment, to minimize the impact to the aesthetics in all locations of the city.


    Private deed restrictions and property owners association rules. A network provider installing a network node or node support pole in a public right-of-way described above shall comply with private deed restrictions and other private restrictions in the area that apply to those facilities.


    Ground equipment.


    Ground equipment shall be minimal and the least intrusive at all sites.


    In order to maximize line of sight at street corners and intersections and minimize hazards at those locations, ground equipment may not be installed within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a street corner or street intersection.


    Ground equipment may not be installed at street corners or intersections within a visibility triangle as defined by the Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 or its successor ordinance.


    Ground equipment shall not be installed near a driveway, as established in section 52-35a.(n) of Zoning Ordinance No. 1144 or its successor ordinance.


    Each permit application shall designate if the requested area for installation is within one a residential area, a municipal park, an underground district or underground requirement area or a historic district or a design district.

( Ord. No. 2017-9964, § 2, 8-10-17 )