§ 38-84. Duties and responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • The ultimate success of the council depends on six (6) primary factors:


    The council must maintain a clear-cut division of responsibilities between itself, its parent body, and the professional staff. The council has the responsibility to advise the city council and the administration on various policy matters in regard to providing services and facilities for the youth and children. It has no administrative authority or responsibility.


    The council is responsible for advising city council on basic policies which guide the administrative staff. The actual providing of services is of a technical nature which requires an important and practical purpose to enable the council and city staff to recognize their respective functions.


    Relationship of the council with the city council:


    Know and support the purpose of the council.


    Work with the city council liaisons to the council.


    Meet with the city council when policies are needed to ensure a smooth running operation.


    Support all recommendations to the city council with written facts, oral communications, and action necessary, with the realization that the city council may question aspects to the recommendation and approve or deny the request.


    Relationship with the city staff:


    Recognize the city staff as being formally trained in management, administration, and technical fields that they represent, and they are advisors to the council.


    Do not expect city staff to take sides in political situations or one involving personalities.


    Pursuit of objectives:


    Enrich the lives of the youth and children of our community by meeting their needs.


    Advise the city council, administration, and residents of Irving on programs to eliminate violence and provide a safe environment for our youth and children.


    Empower youth to solve their own problems through training and involvement.


    Serve as a central clearing house for all the programs offered for youth and children by various organizations and agencies in Irving.

(Ord. No. 2012-9332, § 2, 5-24-12)