§ 41-3. Permit procedure and fees.  

Latest version.
  • To secure a permit, an applicant shall file with the department of public works a signed and completed application for a permit containing the following information:


    Construction plans certified by a registered professional engineer, unless in the opinion of the director construction plans are not necessary for the particular work proposed; a receipt evidencing work payment of all applicable charges under this chapter including meter and box charges; and a permit fee paid to the customer service office of the finance department. Permit fee amounts are determined annually by the director and adopted in the budget;


    The name and address of the owner of the property for whose benefit the work is to be done;


    The name and business address of the person under whose supervision the work will be performed;


    The equipment and materials to be used;


    The location at which the work is to be performed;


    An agreement to indemnify and hold harmless from loss the city and any public utility company and property owner whose property is damaged in performing the work;


    A performance and maintenance surety bond in favor of the city to guarantee the completion of the work in compliance with city standards and the satisfactory operation of the improvement for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by the city;


    A certificate of insurance reflecting that the applicant maintains comprehensive general liability coverage meeting requirements set annually by the director.

(Ord. No. 8140, § 1, 3-20-03)