§ 41-12. Tap and inspection fees for water connections, sewer connections, and meter relocations.

Latest version.
  • On October 1st of each year, the director of water utilities shall file with the city secretary a schedule setting forth (1) the tap fees for water and sewer connections performed by the city; and (2) the inspection fees for water and sewer connections and meter relocations performed by a person other than the city. The fee schedule shall be based on the estimated average costs necessitated by and attributable to connections or inspections performed by the city. For each water connection request from five-eights (5/8) inch through and including two (2) inches, and for each request for sewer connection of four (4) inches, the director of water utilities or designee shall examine the facts and reasonably determine if the city will complete the connection, or if the person requesting the connection must complete the connection. All water connections larger than two (2) inches and all sewer connections larger than four (4) inches must be completed by the person requesting the connection. No three (3) inch connections or meters are allowed. All meter relocations must be completed by the person making the request.

(Ord. No. 8140, § 1, 3-20-03; Ord. No. 2018-10097, § 3, 9-6-18 )