§ 41-47. Responsibilities of a liquid waste transporter.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Determine nature of waste. Before accepting a load of liquid waste for transportation, a liquid waste transporter shall determine the nature of the material to be transported and insure that his or her equipment is sufficient to properly handle the job without spillage, leaks, or release of toxic or harmful gasses, fumes, liquids, or other substances. Upon delivery of the waste to the disposer, the transporter shall inform the disposer of the nature of the waste.


    Hazardous waste prohibited. A transporter with a city liquid waste transporter permit shall not transport hazardous waste in vehicles permitted by the city for transporting liquid waste.


    Disposal site. A transporter holding a city permit shall use a disposal site permitted and approved by the city, or other appropriate state or federal agency. A disposal site not permitted by the city must be approved by the director before a transporter may legally deliver to it liquid waste regulated by this chapter.


    Manifest system. A transporter shall use a manifest system, consisting of a five-part trip ticket, to document the generation site, transportation, and disposal of all applicable liquid waste generated in the city as follows:


    The transporter shall purchase the trip ticket books from water utilities for a fee determined annually by the director and adopted in the budget;


    A transporter shall legibly complete one (1) trip ticket for each location serviced. Portable toilet companies servicing their own units may submit a quarterly report indicating the total volume disposed, location of job sites serviced, and location of disposal sites to the director in lieu of using trip tickets;


    The transporter and generator shall sign the city copy of each trip ticket at the time of waste collection, and the generator shall retain the generator copy;


    The disposal site operator shall sign the city copy of each trip ticket at the time of disposal and retain the disposal site copy;


    The transporter shall retain the transporter copy of each trip ticket;


    The transporter shall deliver the completely filled out return to generator copy to the generator and the city copy back to water utilities within ten (10) working days of delivering the waste to the disposal facility;


    All of the parties receiving copies of trip tickets as outlined in this subsection shall retain them on file and on site for inspection by the city and/or other regulatory agencies for a period of at least three (3) years from the date the waste was delivered to the disposal facility; and


    A person commits an offense if he or she does not properly and legibly complete an applicable trip ticket. The transporter is responsible for ensuring that all trip tickets are completely and accurately filled out, including obtaining the signature of the generator and disposal site operator. The generator or disposal site operator commits an offense if he or she refuses to sign a trip ticket. If a generator has a city permit, the city may revoke that permit for any violation of this chapter. In addition, the director may revoke a disposal site's authority to receive all waste regulated by this chapter for any violation of this chapter.


    Trap cleaning. A transporter shall properly clean all waste traps by, as a minimum, removing the entire contents of the trap including all solids and liquids. Skimming the top or partial cleaning is prohibited.


    Permit revocation. The director may revoke the permit of any liquid waste transporter who fails to comply with this chapter.

(Ord. No. 8140, § 1, 3-20-03; Ord. No. 8834, § 2, 7-19-07)