§ 2. Extension and alteration.  

Latest version.
  • The bounds and limits of the City of Irving shall be those as established and described in ordinances duly passed by the city council of the City of Irving in accordance with state law. The city may extend and alter the boundaries of the City of Irving by annexation with or without the consent of the inhabitants of the territory annexed so long as said annexation or disannexation is not inconsistent with the procedural rules prescribed by the Texas Local Government Code, as amended and as same may be hereinafter amended. The city council, may in its exclusive discretion and not being inconsistent with the procedural rules prescribed by the Texas Local Government Code, as amended and as same may be hereinafter amended, by ordinance exclude from the city any territory within the corporate limits of the city when and if at least sixty (60) percent of the inhabitants thereof qualified to vote for members of the council shall present a verified petition requesting that such territory be discontinued as a part of the city and tender to the city secretary with such petition a sum of money equivalent to that percentage of the then outstanding indebtedness of the city for bonds and warrants and a fair proportion of the then existing budget which the assessed value of all property within such territory on the tax rolls next preceding the presentation of such petition bears to the total value of all property on said rolls. The council shall never, regardless of the facts and circumstances, be required to discontinue any territory as a part of the city except at its exclusive discretion expressed by ordinance. The city secretary shall at all times keep a correct and complete description of recent annexations or disannexations and may maintain a map showing all annexations and disannexations.

(Ord. No. 889; Ord. No. 5567, § 3, 1-23-89)