§ 10. Right of eminent domain.  

Latest version.
  • The City of Irving shall have the right of eminent domain for public purposes whenever the governing authority shall deem it necessary; and to take any private property, within or without the city for any municipal purposes that may be authorized by law and to pay for same as may be required by law. The power herein granted for the purpose of acquiring private property shall include the power of improvement and enlargement of water works, including water supply, riparian rights, standpipes, water sheds, dams, the construction of supply reservoirs, wells, parks, squares, and pleasure grounds, airports, and for the purpose of strengthening or improving the channel of any stream, branch, draw or drain, or the straightening or widening or extension of any street, alley, avenue, boulevard or other public highway. In all cases where the city seeks to exercise the power of eminent domain it shall be controlled as nearly as practicable by the laws governing the condemnation of property by home rule municipalities. The power of eminent domain hereby conferred shall include the right of the governing authority of the city, when so expressed, to take the fee in the land so condemned, and such power of authority shall include the right to condemn public property for such purpose.

(Ord. No. 5567, § 3, 1-23-89)