§ 2. Levy and collection.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city council shall have full power to provide by ordinance for the prompt collection of taxes assessed, levied and imposed under the Charter, and is hereby authorized to enforce the collection of the same against all property subject to taxation and the owners thereof as provided by law. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance and Charter, all property in the city liable to taxation shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the state insofar as applicable.


    The city council shall have the power and it is hereby authorized and made its duty to levy annually for general purposes and for the purpose of paying interest and providing the sinking fund on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Irving now in existence or which may hereafter be created an ad valorem tax on all real, personal or mixed property within the territorial limits of said city and upon all franchises granted by the city to any individual or corporation not exceeding a total of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of said property. If for any cause the city council shall fail, neglect or refuse to pass a tax ordinance for any one year levying taxes for that year, then and in that event the tax levying ordinance last passed shall and will be considered in force and effect as the tax levying ordinance for the year for which the city council failed, neglected or refused to pass such ordinance, and the failure so to pass such ordinance for any year shall in no wise invalidate the tax collections for that year.


    The city councilperson or any other officer of the city shall never extend the time for the payment of taxes or remit, discount or compromise any tax legally due the city, nor waive the penalty that may be due thereon by any person, but the city council may by ordinance provide for the remission, discount, compromise or waiver of penalty to all persons legally owing any taxes where such remission, discount, compromise or waiver of penalty is for any particular and specified year or years and applies equally to all persons, firms, or corporations owing taxes to the city for such year or years; provided, however, that this provision shall not prevent the compromise of any tax suit.

(Ord. No. 5567, § 3, 1-23-89)