§ 1. Procedure.

Latest version.
  • a.

    This Charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Irving for adoption or rejection on October 25, 1952, at which election, if a majority of the qualified voters voting in such election shall vote in favor of the adoption of this Charter, it shall then immediately become the governing law of the City of Irving until amended or repealed.


    It being impractical to submit this Charter by sections, it is hereby prescribed that the form of ballot to be used in such election shall be as follows, to wit:




    The present city council of the City of Irving shall call an election in accordance with the provisions of the general laws of the state governing such elections, and the same shall be conducted and the returns made and results declared as provided by the laws of the State of Texas governing municipal elections, and in case a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the adoption of such Charter, then an official order shall be entered upon the records of said city by the city council of Irving declaring the same adopted, and the city secretary shall record at length upon the records of the city, in a separate book to be kept in his office for such purpose, such Charter as adopted, and such secretary shall furnish to the mayor a copy of the Charter which copy of the Charter shall be forwarded by the mayor as soon as practicable, to the secretary of state under the seal of the city together with a certificate showing the approval of the qualified voters of such Charter.

(Ord. No. 889)