§ 15-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases will have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

    Approved fence materials means materials normally manufactured for, used as, and recognized as, fencing materials such as: wrought iron or other decorative metals, fired masonry, concrete, stone, chain link, metal tubing, wood planks, and vinyl or fiberglass composite manufactured specifically as fencing materials. Fence materials must also be materials approved for exterior use and that are weather and decay-resistant.

    City means the City of Irving.

    Code means the Code of Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Irving, Texas.

    Corner lot means a lot situated at the junction of two (2) or more streets.

    Dilapidated fence means a fence which is decayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial ruin.

    Director means the director of inspections or his or her designee.

    Director of public works means the city engineer or his or her designee.

    Fence means any wall or structure more than thirty (30) inches in height used to enclose or screen a portion of a lot or parcel.

    Fence height means the maximum distance measured from the finished grade at any point eighteen (18) inches or less from either side of the fence. See Illustration 5.

    Fence structure means any part of a fence including the base, footings, supporting columns, braces, structural members, or any other of its appendages.

    Front yard - refer to City of Irving Zoning Ordinance 1144 Section 52-75 - "Definitions".

    Interior lot means a lot situated in a block with frontage on only one (1) street, and specifically not a corner lot. See Illustration 1.

    Mechanical equipment screening wall or mechanical equipment screening fence means a wall, fence, or architectural extension that may be attached to the structure, and that screens from view mechanical systems supporting or associated with the structure.

    Person means any individual, corporation, business trust, estate trust, partnership, association, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial non-governmental entity.

    Public right-of-way means a strip of land which is used as a roadbed for a street, alley or highway intended for use by the public at large, or land set aside as an easement or in fee, either by agreement or condemnation.

    Rear yard - refer to City of Irving Zoning Ordinance 1144 Section 52-75 - "Definitions".

    Residential district means a district zoned for residential use in the City of Irving comprehensive zoning ordinance excluding multi-family.

    Reverse frontage corner lot means a corner lot where the rear lot line is adjacent to a side lot line of an adjoining lot or across an alley from such side lot line. See Illustration 3.

    Setback means the distance from the property line or the right-of-way line of all streets adjacent to the premises on which a fence is located to the part of the fence closest to the property line or right-of-way line.

    Side yard - refers to City of Irving Zoning Ordinance 1144 Section 52-75 - "Definitions".

    Street means a public street or a private street.

    Vision or visibility triangle means the area of a triangle: a corner of which is formed by the intersection of two (2) street right-of-way lines; two (2) legs of which are created by measuring along the two (2) intersecting right-of-way lines to points thirty-five (35) feet from the point of intersection; and the third leg being the line connecting the non-intersecting ends of first two (2) legs.

(Ord. No. 2018-10044, § I, 4-5-18)