§ 52-32e. Administrative amendments to approved site plans.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The director of community development or his/her designee may approve minor amendments to site plans approved by the city council under sections 52-32a, 52-32b, and 52-49 of this ordinance.


    Minor amendments are those which provide for rearrangement or reconfiguration of elevations, parking areas, landscape areas, drainage facilities, utilities, or other site improvements and which:


    Comply with all requirements of the comprehensive zoning ordinance and any other applicable ordinances of the city.


    Do not conflict with the comprehensive plan.


    Do not change the character of the development.


    Do not change the intent of the city council or planning and zoning commission.


    Do not alter the basic relationship of the development to adjacent property.


    Do not change the uses permitted.


    Do not require amendment or abandonment of any easements or rights-of-way.


    Do not reduce minimum yards or setbacks.


    Do not increase the maximum allowed density, floor area, or height.


    Do not increase the size of or change the locations, lighting, or orientation of originally approved signs unless said changes comply with all current City of Irving sign regulations.


    Do not decrease the amount of off-street parking and loading spaces, unless said parking and loading remains sufficient in number and conforms with all applicable ordinances.


    Do not decrease the amount of landscaping and conform with all applicable ordinances.


    Do not decrease the height or total linear distance of fencing or screening.


    Applications for amendments to approved site plans shall be submitted to the planning and inspection department on forms provided along with the appropriate number of copies of the site plan as determined by the director of planning and development and payment of the application fee in accordance with the most recent schedule of fees adopted by the city council.


    The director of planning and inspection or his/her designee shall not be required to approve a request, but may choose to deny a request that he or she determines to be other than a "minor amendment." If an applicant disagrees with any part of a decision rendered by the director or his/her designee, said decision may be appealed to the city council or planning and zoning commission (whichever approved the original plan) through the normal site plan process and payment of the appropriate application fee, a credit against which shall be given for the fee already paid.

(Ord. No. 7088, § 1, 8-7-97; Ord. No. 7297, § 1, 8-6-98; Ord. No. 5816, §§ 2, 7, 7-21-05; Ord. No. 8704, § 3, 9-21-06)