§ 52-35b. Hotel development standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applicability. The standards and criteria contained within this section are deemed to be minimum standards, and shall apply to all new hotel and/or motel construction, and renovation or reconstruction of existing hotels and/or motels the value of which renovation or reconstruction exceeds fifty (50) percent of the current improvement value as shown on the most current City of Irving tax roll. For purposes of determining applicability, any structure or improvement:


    Which existed prior to August 5, 1999; or for which an application for building permit had been submitted to the City of Irving prior to August 5, 1999; or for which a Site Plan One (S-P-1) ) or Site Plan Two (S-P-2) zoning had been approved for construction of a new hotel or motel prior to August 5, 1999, shall be exempt from the following standards, and need only comply with the development standards in effect prior to August 5, 1999; or


    Which was permitted after August 5, 1999, but before February 1, 2007; or for which an application for building permit had been submitted to the City of Irving after August 5, 1999, but before February 1, 2007; or for which a Site Plan One (S-P-1) or Site Plan Two (S-P-2) zoning had been approved for construction of a new hotel or motel after August 5, 1999, but before February 1, 2007, shall be exempt from the following standards, and need only comply with the development standards in effect under Ordinance No. 7516.


    Minimum standards.


    Building materials.


    All new construction must have an exterior facade of a minimum of eighty (80) percent glass, brick, masonry, stone, stucco, EIFS, or other cementitious type material on each facade. The remaining twenty (20) percent may be of any other building code acceptable material of a contrasting color, texture, or design.


    All roof material for pitched roof designs shall be either architectural textured twenty-five-year minimum warranty composition shingles, standing seam metal, or tile. All roof materials for flat roof designs shall provide the equivalent level of protection in the opinion of the inspections director or designee. No wood shingle roofs are permitted.


    Site design.


    Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with all City of Irving landscape ordinances, as applicable.


    All outside equipment such as air conditioners, pool equipment, satellite dishes over thirty-six (36) inches high, etc., shall be screened from view from any adjacent street by a solid fence or dense shrubbery/landscaping.


    Any parking designated for trucks, recreational vehicles and other large vehicles shall be placed in a location which is not adjacent to either any street or to any residentially zoned property.


    A solid masonry screening fence with a minimum height of seven (7) feet, and a heavily landscaped area with a minimum depth of ten (10) feet, inside the fence shall be provided adjacent to any property line abutting residentially zoned or used land.


    Parking shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:


    One (1) space per guest room up to two hundred fifty (250) rooms; 0.75 space per room for each above two hundred fifty (250), plus one (1) space per each five (5) restaurant or lounge area seats, plus one (1) space for each one hundred twenty-five (125) square feet of meeting/conference room area.


    One and one-tenths (1.1) spaces per guest room which contains kitchenette facilities, plus the above ratio of spaces for restaurant and meeting room areas.


    One and five-tenths (1.5) spaces per guest room which contains kitchen facilities, plus the above ratio of spaces for restaurant and meeting room areas.


    For purposes of this section, "kitchenette facilities" shall mean a food preparation facility within a hotel or motel in which:


    A cook-top may be provided limited to no more than two (2) burners;


    A conventional oven is not allowed, but a microwave oven is allowed;


    A full-size refrigerator is not allowed, but a small, under-counter type refrigerator is allowed; and


    The facilities are not separated from the sleeping facilities, but are in the same room.

    The presence of a sink, microwave oven and/or refrigerator without any cook-top units or conventional ovens shall not constitute a kitchenette.


    For purposes of this section, "kitchen facilities" shall mean any combination of food preparation facilities which do not constitute a kitchenette, provided that the presence of a sink, microwave oven, and/or a refrigerator without any cook-top units or conventional oven shall not constitute a kitchen.


    All signs, fences, lighting, and luminaries shall comply with all other City of Irving ordinances.


    Building design.


    Building articulation shall be included on all facades.


    A porte-cochere or other covered area shall be provided immediately adjacent to the building entrance nearest the registration desk with an area for temporary parking of at least two (2) vehicles underneath the covered area for guests checking in or out.


    All units shall be accessed from an interior hallway, except for first floor units which may have direct access from an interior courtyard or swimming pool area instead of, or in addition to, hallway access.


    Exterior balconies shall not be allowed within two hundred (200) feet of any residentially zoned property unless they are located in an interior courtyard or are physically separated or screened from the residentially zoned property by another building or portion of a building.


    Interior design.


    Each guest room shall have a minimum area of three hundred (300) square feet including sleeping area, bathroom, and closet space.


    Each guest room shall be fully furnished with a minimum of a bed, clothes dresser, chair, table, bath or shower, sink, toilet, telephone, and television.


    A lounge or waiting area with a minimum area of five hundred (500) square feet or five (5) square feet per guest room, whichever is greater, shall be provided. Atriums or other open areas may be counted as waiting area if seating is provided.


    A lobby area (not counting the work area for hotel or motel employees) which is designed as part of the check-in/out area for guests with a minimum size of five (5) square feet per guest room shall be provided. The lobby and lounge/waiting areas may be designed as a single space but in such case the area shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) square feet plus five (5) square feet per guest room, but shall not be required to exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet. The lobby check-in/out area (registration desk) shall be open and unobstructed. The size of the registration counter shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in length. In lieu of one (1) registration counter, an applicant may provide two (2) or more kiosk registration areas within the lobby area.


    All hotels or motels shall provide meeting or conference rooms with a combined minimum area of five thousand (5,000) square feet. Individual guest rooms cannot be counted as meeting rooms.


    All hotels or motels shall provide at least one (1) of the following amenities:


    Swimming pool with a minimum surface area of one thousand (1,000) square feet; or


    Other recreational facilities with a minimum combined area of one thousand (1,000) square feet such as, but not limited to, exercise rooms equipped with at least three (3) types of exercise equipment, tennis or racquetball courts, spas, or game areas.


    All hotels or motels shall provide a minimum of two hundred (200) sleeping rooms.


    All hotels and motels shall provide a full-service restaurant with full kitchen, cooking and service staff on the premise and be open to the general public for breakfast and dinner (minimum) daily.


    Guest services.


    Daily housekeeping service shall be available to every guest room at no extra charge.


    Staffing shall be available twenty-four (24) hours per day to provide check-in/out services, custodial or maintenance response, or other guest services.


    Zoning approvals.


    Hotels and motels are allowed only by Site Plan zoning approval, either Site Plan One (S-P-1) Detailed Site Plan or Site Plan Two (S-P-2) Generalized Site Plan, as applicable. As part of any application for a zoning change to authorize a hotel or motel use, the city staff, planning and zoning commission and/or city council may request an independent third-party market need study for the particular product segment being proposed.


    Modifications to the above minimum standards may be requested through the Site Plan zoning process. As part of any such request for modifications to the standards, the city staff, planning and zoning commission and/or city council may request any or all of the following information to assist the staff, commission, and council in determining whether the modifications should be approved:

    • Product data to include projected daily rate, occupancy, average length of stay (for the brand proposed), and revenue per available room.

    • Competitive set data to identify brands in the proposed development's competitive set, and projected daily rate, occupancy, average length of stay, and revenue per available room for the competitive set.

    • Current hotel market segment assessment by an independent third party to determine the market success, financial success, and consumer demand for the proposed development.

    • Any feasibility studies that may have been completed pertaining to the proposed development.


    The city council reserves the right to approve any request for a hotel development or redevelopment not in keeping with all the requirements set forth herein when in its judgment the proposed project will be of such high quality, innovative design, and/or architectural significance so as to complement surrounding development, satisfy an important market demand, or substantially contribute to the physical, social and/or economic well being of the community and surrounding region.

(Ord. No. 7516, § 7, 8-5-99; Ord. No. 8751, § 1, 1-25-07)

Editor's note

At the direction of the city, former hotel development standards, adopted by Ord. No. 1144 and amended by Ord. No. 7516, § 7, adopted Aug. 5, 1999, can be found in Appendix A, § 52A-1, at the end of this chapter.