§ 52-35d. Convenience store design standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    For purposes of this section, convenience store means any business that is primarily engaged in the retail sale of convenience goods, or both convenience goods and gasoline, and has less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of retail floor space. Convenience store does not include any business where there is no retail floor space accessible to the public.


    For purposes of this section, convenience goods means basic food, beverage, tobacco products, household and/or pharmaceutical items.




    The following convenience store design standards shall apply to all newly constructed convenience stores, and any existing building that is proposed to be converted or changed in use to a convenience store from any other use other than a convenience store.


    If an existing convenience store is expanded by thirty (30) percent or more of its building area as defined by the Building Code, or is being repaired, remodeled, rehabilitated, or otherwise improved to the point that the value of the repairs, remodeling, rehabilitation, or improvements constitute at least twenty-five (25) percent of the current value of the structure as established by the most current value established by the Appraisal District, the entire structure shall be brought into compliance with these convenience store design standards.


    If an existing building used for any use other than a convenience store is to be converted to a convenience store use, the entire structure shall be brought into compliance with these convenience store standards and shall also be brought into conformance with all current landscaping, screening, parking, loading, building and other construction codes and accessibility requirements prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a convenience store use.


    If an existing convenience store is expanded by thirty (30) percent or more of its building area as defined by the Building Code, or being repaired, remodeled, rehabilitated, or otherwise improved to the point that the value of the repairs, remodeling, rehabilitation, or improvements constitute at least twenty-five (25) percent of the current value of the structure as established by the most current value established by the Appraisal District, or if an existing building used for any use other than a convenience store is to be converted to a convenience store use, any pole sign(s) adjacent to any street or thoroughfare other than State Highway Loop 12, State Highway 183, State Highway 114, State Highway 161, Interstate 635, State Highway Spur 482, or State Highway Spur 348 shall be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the expanded or new convenience store use.


    If there is any conflict between this section 52-35d and an adopted S-P-1, S-P-2, or Development Plan in a PUD district, the more restrictive standard shall apply.


    Modifications of design standards outlined in this section may be accomplished through either an S-P-1 (Detailed Site Plan) or a Development Plan in a PUD district.


    Design standards.


    Building materials.


    All exterior walls, including parking structures, garages, and accessory structures shall be eighty (80) percent masonry.


    Masonry coverage calculation does not include doors, windows, window box-outs, or bay windows that do not extend to the foundation.


    Masonry shall be defined as:


    Stone material. Masonry construction using stone material may consist of granite, marble, limestone, slate, river rock, and other hard and durable naturally occurring all weather stone. Cut stone, manufactured stone and dimensioned stone techniques and manufactured stone are acceptable.


    Brick material. Brick material used for masonry construction shall be hard fired (kiln fired) clay or slate material which meets the latest version of ASTM standard C216, Standard Specification for Facing Brick (Solid Masonry Unit Made of Clay or Shale), and shall be Severe Weather (SW) grade, and Type FBA or FBS or better. Unfired or underfired clay, sand, or shale brick are not allowed.


    Concrete masonry units. Concrete masonry units used for masonry construction shall meet the latest version of the following applicable specifications: ASTM C90, Standard Specification for Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units; ASTM C145, Standard Specification for Solid Load Bearing Masonry Units; ASTM C129, Standard Specification for Hollow and Solid Nonload Bearing Units. Concrete masonry units shall have an indented, hammered, split face, or other similar architectural finish as approved by the city. Lightweight concrete block or cinder block construction is not acceptable as an exterior finish.


    Concrete panel construction. Concrete finish or precast panel (tilt wall) construction shall be painted, fluted, or other approved architectural concrete finish. Smooth or untextured concrete finishes are not acceptable.


    Stucco (exterior Portland cement plaster with three (3) coats over metal lath or wire fabric lath);


    Cementitious fiberboard;


    Architectural glass block (less than twenty-five (25) percent reflectance).


    All structures shall require a minimum of two (2) distinct building materials from the approved masonry list be utilized on all facades to provide architectural detail and interest.


    Secondary materials must cover a minimum of ten (10) percent of the building facade on all sides.


    Architectural accent materials not exceeding twenty (20) percent of the exterior walls, may include metal and wood. Metal accents may include profiled panels, deep-ribbed panels, and concealed fastener systems. Exterior finish shall be film laminated or baked on enamel painted to the wall manufacturer's standards. Synthetic stucco, also known as Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS), may be used as architectural accent material when placed more than four (4) feet above grade.


    Roofing materials. Architectural textured twenty-five (25) year minimum warranty asphalt or synthetic shingles, standing seam metal, or tile roofs are allowed for sloping roofs. Roof materials for flat roofs shall provide the equivalent level of protection as determined by the inspections director.


    Prohibited materials. The following materials are prohibited:


    Aluminum siding or cladding.


    Corrugated, metal, plastic, or fiberglass panels.


    Galvanized, aluminum coated, zinc aluminum coated or unpainted exterior metal except as permitted as architectural accent material.


    Wood siding or plastic siding.


    Synthetic stucco, Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS), placed less than four (4) feet above grade.


    Unfinished concrete block.


    Exposed aggregate.


    Wood roof shingles.


    Reflective glass.


    Entry features. Primary building entrances are to be defined and articulated with architectural elements such as pediments, columns, porticos, porches, and overhangs.


    Building articulation. All facades of a building which are adjacent to and face a public street, public park, or residential district shall comply with the following standards:


    Horizontal articulation - No building facade shall extend for a distance greater than three (3) times the mean elevation of the wall's height without having an offset of fifteen (15) percent or more of the wall's height. This offset shall extend for a distance equal to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum length of either adjacent plane. (Figure 1)


    Vertical articulation - No horizontal wall shall extend for a distance greater than three (3) times the height of the wall without changing height by a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the wall's height. This height change shall continue for a minimum distance equal to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum length of either adjacent plane. (Figures 1 and 2)

    Figure 1



    Figure 2




    Architectural design features.


    Facade treatment. All convenience stores shall be architecturally finished on all four (4) sides with the same materials and detailing (e.g., tiles, moldings, cornices, wainscoting, etc.). [See section 52-35d(b)(7), Exception for non-street facing rear facades.]


    Roof design.


    Pitch roofs, if provided, shall have a minimum pitch of 4/12.


    Architectural elements that add visual interest to the roof, such as dormers, and masonry chimneys, are encouraged.


    Flat roof shall require parapet screening which adheres to vertical articulation requirements for the main face of the structure.


    Parapet shall require cornice detailing.


    Roof mounted utility and mechanical equipment including, but not limited to, fans, vents, air conditioning units, cooling towers, and satellite dishes, shall be screened so as not to be visible at ground level from the adjacent properties and/or public streets.


    Design elements. All structures shall include a minimum of four (4) of the architectural design features listed below.


    Canopies, awnings, arcades, covered walkways, or porticos.


    Recesses, projections, columns, pilasters projecting from the planes, offsets, reveals, or projecting ribs used to express architectural or structural bays.


    Varied roof heights for pitched, peaked, sloped, or flat roof styles.


    Articulated cornice line.




    Display windows, faux windows, or decorative windows.


    Architectural details (such as tile work and molding) or accent materials integrated into the building facade.


    Integrated planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaping and sitting areas or outdoor patios.


    Integrated water features.


    Other architectural features approved by the director.


    Mechanical equipment. All ground and wall mounted mechanical and utility equipment including, but not limited to, air conditioning units, generators, and transformers shall be visually screened by a solid masonry screening wall at a minimum height of the highest element of the equipment, so as to provide visual screening of such equipment from adjacent properties and public streets. The exterior of the screening wall, if independent of the building façade, shall be finished in a color similar to the building façade, or trim, whichever is more effective in minimizing the visibility of the equipment and providing screening from public streets and/or adjacent properties. Installation of evergreen landscaping material, as approved by the director, may be substituted in lieu of the screening wall, under circumstances where the topography, zoning, and use of such landscape will provide an equivalent screen.


    Bay doors, overhead doors, and loading docks. Bay doors, overhead doors, and loading docks shall not face an arterial street.


    Parking. Any newly constructed convenience store of two thousand (2,000) square feet or less, or any existing building used for any use other than a convenience store that is proposed to be converted to a convenience store of two thousand (2,000) square feet or less shall provide a minimum of eight (8) parking spaces for the first one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area plus one (1) additional parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Such parking shall comply with all requirements of section 52-36 and section 52-38, and shall be screened in accordance with all applicable landscaping ordinances of the City of Irving.


    Exception for non-street facing rear façades. The rear facade of a building which is not adjacent to or does not face a public street, public park, or residential district shall not be required to comply with the following:


    The articulation standards, outlined in section 52-35d(b)(5), Building articulation.


    Materials and detailing, as outlined in section 52-35d(b)(6), Architectural design features; however, it shall require a minimum of two (2) distinct building materials from the approved masonry list.

(Ord. No. 2008-9008, § 1, 10-16-08)