§ 52-38. Parking and loading area development standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The off-street parking facilities required for the uses mentioned in this ordinance, and other similar uses, shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve, or upon a lot or parcel of land within three hundred (300) feet of the lot or tract of land upon which the structure they are intended to serve is located.


    Parking lots, automobile display lots, internal driveways, vehicle circulation areas, and any non-residentially zoned property used for parking or storage of vehicles, trucks, trailers, or motorized equipment of any kind shall be paved with a minimum of five (5) inches of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch concrete with #3 rebar on eighteen-inch center both ways, or an equivalent standard of asphalt. Parking lots, driveways, and internal circulation areas shall be maintained free of potholes, with a smooth surface free of rubble, and cracks sealed. Permeable paving meeting the applicable standards of the city may be installed in low traffic volume areas or areas that are not used for fire lanes or loading or unloading. All required parking shall be clearly striped.


    Entrances and/or exits on a major thoroughfare shall not be located less than thirty (30) feet from the nearest point of intersection of two (2) street right-of-way lines. The width of opening on entrances and/or exits shall not be less than twelve (12) feet nor more than forty (40) feet depending on the amount of lot frontage where such opening is to be located. Not more than two (2) driveway approaches shall be permitted on any parcel of property with a frontage on a major thoroughfare with a lot width of one hundred fifty (150) feet or less. Additional openings for parcels of property having a frontage of one hundred fifty (150) feet or less may be permitted after proof of necessity and convenience to the public has been established by evidence submitted to the director of traffic and transportation. Between any two (2) adjacent entrances and/or exits serving the same parking facility, there shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.


    No loading space shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any other lot in any "R" district, unless wholly within a completely enclosed building or unless enclosed on all sides by a wall not less than eight (8) feet in height.


    Lighting facilities, if provided shall be so arranged as to be reflected away from residentially zoned or used property. They shall provide illumination within the parking facility not to exceed one (1.0) foot candle at ground level, and shall distribute not more than two-tenths of one (0.2) foot candle of light upon any adjacent residential building.


    The parking area shall be used for passenger vehicles only, and in no case shall be used for sales, repair work, storage, dismantling or servicing of any vehicles, equipment, materials, or supplies.


    The off-street loading facilities required for the uses mentioned in this ordinance and other similar uses, shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve, or on a lot or parcel of land abutting the structure they are intended to serve.




    On-site parking required by this ordinance shall be designed to provide safety and comfort for the operator and general public, [and] the following minimum standards shall be observed.



    Residential driveways.


    Residential driveways serving property used for single-family and duplex uses shall be constructed of concrete, asphalt, bricks, or pavers per city standards for such materials. It is an affirmative defense to this subsection that the driveway existed at the time this subsection became effective August 3, 2006. Driveways existing at the time this subsection became effective may be extended but the materials used for the surface of such extension must be of the same or better material and standard as the original construction of such driveways, except a driveway constructed of concrete or asphalt may transition into compacted gravel per city standards when the existing driveway has extended twenty-five (25) or more feet from the front property line of the lot or tract.


    Driveways and on-site parking serving property used for single-family and duplex uses shall be constructed in accordance with this subsection. These guidelines provide recommendations concerning the design, construction, and placement of driveways and on-site parking berths in order to ensure a high quality visual impression of the community's neighborhoods.

    Approved Designs


    Standard drive (single or two-car garage).


    The required width is between twelve (12) feet and twenty-four (24) feet.


    The drive approach shall be the same width as the driveway to a minimum distance of ten (10) feet from the street side property line.



    Standard drive—three-car (or more) garage.


    The required width shall not exceed the maximum needed to serve the garage.


    The drive approach shall be the same width as the driveway to a minimum distance of ten (10) feet from the street side property line.



    Three-car garage flared driveway alternative design



    Swing-in driveway.



    Winding drive.



    Circular driveway.


(Ord. No. 2712, §§ 6—8, 10-31-74; Ord. No. 4995, § 6, 7-17-86; Ord. No. 2011-9307, §§ 1—3, 12-8-11)