§ III. Use districts.  

Latest version.
  • In said districts, as heretofore enumerated and as hereinafter set apart, segregated and identified, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the uses assigned and allocated to same respectively as follows:



    One-family dwellings.


    Churches, public school, park, or playgrounds, and all municipal recreational facilities (not commercial).


    Farm truck garden, orchard, or nursery, for the growing of plants, shrubs, or trees, provided no retail or wholesale business sales office, packing or storage sheds or buildings are maintained on the premises.


    Railway right-of-way, tracks, and passenger station; but not including railroad yards, sidetracks or loading facilities.


    Golf course, but not including miniature driving range, or any other form of commercial amusements.


    Uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses when situated in the same dwelling, including home occupation such as the office of a physician, surgeon, dentist or artist.


    Accessory buildings, including one attached or detached private garage or servants quarters, when not located within any required front yard area, nor within any required side yard area, nor within five (5) feet of any other street line provided, however, that servants quarters may be erected above private garages or private stables and that said servants quarters shall not be leased or rented to anyone other than the family of a bona fide servant giving more than fifty (50) percent of his or her time to the family occupying the premises to which the servants quarters is an accessory building, or private garage may be constructed as a part of the main building or attached to it by covered passage.


    Temporary buildings, when they are to be used only for construction purposes or field office for the sale of real estate of the immediate addition. Such temporary construction buildings must be removed immediately upon completion or abandonment of construction and the field office must be removed immediately upon request of the building inspector.


    Garage sales if conducted pursuant and in conformity with all other applicable ordinances of the City of Irving.

    (Ord. No. 2117, § 1, 5-13-71; Ord. No. 3852, § 17, 4-22-82)



    Any use permitted in an "A" district.


    Fire station.




    Kindergarten, play-school or day nursery, when not more than ten (10) pupils.


    Parking automobile areas as accessory use only.


    Telephone exchange (no business office).


    Two-family dwellings.


    Water supply reservoirs, towers and artesian wells, gas and electric public utility regulator stations, but the size, height, and location of said stations to be fixed by the city commission.


    Accessory buildings.



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.


    Boarding and lodging houses.


    Hospitals and clinics, excepting tubercular and veterinary hospitals and clinics, and those for alcoholic, narcotic, insane and feebleminded patients.


    Hotels in which business may be conducted for the sole convenience of the occupants of the building; provided, however, there shall be no entrance to such place of business except from the inside of the buildings.


    Institutions of a philanthropic nature other than penal or correctional institutions.


    Libraries and museums.


    Multiple dwellings, apartment houses and group houses (not including tourist or trailer camps, courts or lodges).


    Private clubs, fraternities, sororities, lodges, excepting those whose chief activities are services customarily carried on as a business.



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.


    Bank, office, studio.


    Restaurant or cafe.


    Retail pressing, dyeing and cleaning shops.


    Retail store, barber shop, beauty parlor, and other shops for custom work or the making or articles to be sold at retail on the premises; provided, that no "second hand goods" stores or yard will be permitted in the "F" district or "G" district.


    Automobile parking lots.



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.


    Auto sales (where the major business is the display and sale of new automobiles by an authorized dealer and repair work and storage facilities shall be purely incidental, provided further that the area allowed for the repairs and storage of cars shall not be nearer than twenty (20) feet from the front line of the building.


    Bakery, laundry, cigar manufacturing, candy manufacturing (when employing less than six (6) persons on the premises).




    Mortuary, greenhouse, or nursery office.


    Public storage garage (only minor repairs).


    Retail ice delivery station, gasoline filling station.


    Theater, moving picture show.


    Tourist court, lodges, or motels.


    Wholesale office and sample room.


    Job printing.


    Any use not included in any other class, provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, gas fumes, noise, or vibration; provided further that no kind of manufacture or treatment shall be permitted in the "G" district other than the treatment of products clearly incidental to the conduct of a retail business conducted on the premises.



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.




    Bottling works.


    Candy manufacturing.


    Cigar, cigarette, tobacco manufacturing.


    Newspaper printing, art printing.


    Electroplating, electric works, including armature winding, galvanizing.


    Laundry, dyeing and cleaning works.


    Secondhand goods store (when housed entirely in buildings).


    Pecan shelling.


    Public garage.


    Storage warehouse.


    Wholesale houses.




    Auto laundry.


    Auto parking.


    Any use not included in any other district provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas fumes, noise or vibration; provided further, that no kind of manufacturing or treatment not listed above shall be permitted in an "H" district other than the manufacture or treatment of products clearly incidental to the conduct of a business conducted on the premises.

    (Ord. No. 905, § 1, 5-16-63)



    Any use permitted in the foregoing districts.


    Blacksmith or horseshoeing shops.


    Ice cream manufacture, ice manufacture, cold storage plants, electric power plant, and creamery and dairy products manufacture and processing, wholesale milk distribution.


    Cotton storage yard.


    Broom manufacture.


    Building materials, storage yards, lumber yards.


    Carpet cleaning.


    Chicken hatcheries.


    Central mixing plant for cement, mortar, plaster and laving materials.


    Cooperage works.


    Emery cloth and paper manufacture.


    Flour mill, rice mill.


    Iron, steel or copper fabrication plant.


    Motor freight depot or garages.


    Machine shop.


    Mattress manufacture, paper box manufacture.


    Planing mill or wooden box manufacture.


    Refrigerator manufacture.


    Contractor's plant and storage.


    Stone monumental works.


    Veterinary hospital.


    Yeast plant.


    Manufacture of any kind not listed under section "L" first manufacturing district or under section "M" second manufacturing district, providing that such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibration.

    (Ord. No. 2712, § 14, 10-31-74)



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.


    Oil field supply stores.


    Alcohol manufacture.


    Automobile wrecking.


    Bag cleaning.


    Blast furnace.


    Boiler works.


    Brick, tile, pottery or terra cotta manufacture.


    Candle manufacture.


    Canning or preserving manufacture, egg breaking.


    Celluloid and similar cellulose material manufacture.


    Coal hoist, coal pocket or coal trestle.


    Cotton compress, cotton ginning, cotton baling.


    Cotton warehouses and cotton seed processing.


    Disinfectant and insecticide.


    Dye stuff manufacture.


    Fish smoking and curing.


    Feed mill.


    Forge plant.


    Grain elevators.


    Iron, steel, brass, or copper foundry.


    Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture.


    Oil or rubber goods manufacture.


    Pickle manufacture.


    Petroleum products; wholesale storage.


    Poultry killing, cleaning and dressing, storage of live poultry.


    Pyroxlin manufacture.


    Railroad roundhouses or shops.


    Rock crusher.


    Rolling mills.


    Rubber or gutta-percha manufacture or treatment.


    Salt works.


    Sauerkraut manufacture.


    Shoe polish manufacture.


    Soda and compound manufacture.


    Stone mill or quarry.


    Storage or baling of rags, iron, junk or paper.


    Stove polish manufacture.


    Tile roofing or waterproof manufacture.


    Textile manufacture.


    Tobacco (chewing) manufacture or treatment.


    Wool pulling or scouring.


    Livestock auction sales with barns and temporary concentration shipping, loading, and unloading facilities.


    Manufacture of industrial operations of any kind not heretofore listed, and exclusive of any kind of use listed as a second manufacturing use in district "M".



    Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts.


    Acid manufacturing.


    Ammonia, bleaching powder, or chlorine manufacture.


    Asphalt, manufacturing or refining.


    Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster-of-paris manufacture.


    Creosote treatment or manufacture.


    Distillation of bones, coal or wood.


    Fertilizer manufacturing.


    Fat rendering.


    Gas (illuminating or heating) manufacture or storage.


    Glue or gelatine manufacture.


    Lamp black manufacture.


    Match manufacture.




    Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture.


    Petroleum products, refining of.


    Soap manufacture, other than liquid soap.


    Tanning, curing or storage of raw hides or skins.


    Tar distillation or manufacture.


    Vinegar manufacture.


    Any lawful purpose whatsoever not in conflict with any ordinance of the city regulating nuisances.

State law reference

Districts, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 211.005.