§ XII. Vehicle parking space.  

Latest version.
  • In all zoning districts there shall be provided in connection with appropriate allowable uses, off-street vehicle parking space in accordance with the following requirements:


    In the "A", "B", "C" and "D" dwelling districts there shall be provided on each lot, two (2) parking spaces for each family or dwelling unit. In multi-family housing, off-street parking shall be provided so that each efficiency, one- and two-bedroom units shall have two (2) parking spaces, each three-bedroom unit shall have two and one-half (2½) parking spaces and each bedroom in excess of three (3) shall provide one-half parking space per additional bedroom.


    For each permissible use hereinafter specifically stated or implied in the F and G districts or other districts, there shall be provided on the property, or upon a site within three hundred (300) feet from the principal use property (such site being subject to the approval of the zoning board of adjustment after receiving a favorable report from the planning and zoning commission) a parking space, open or enclosed, totaling two hundred fifty (250) square feet for each motor vehicle in accordance with the following use classifications:


    Automobile service:

    Filling station

    Commercial garage

    Sales room

    Automobile repair


    Business service:



    Postal station


    Clothing service:

    Laundry agency

    Self-service laundry



    Tailor shop

    Shoe repair shop

    Dry cleaning and pressing


    Equipment service:

    Radio shop

    Electric appliance shop

    Record shop


    Food service:

    Grocery store

    Meat market




    Roadside sale stand or "drive-in"


    Cold storage lockers


    Personal service:

    Barber shop

    Beauty shop

    Reducing salon

    Photographic studio


    Retail service (retail stores generally):





    Apparel shop

    Show room

    Flower shop

    Commercial greenhouse


    Commercial recreation:


    Bowling alley

    Billiard room

    Dancing academy

    Tavern or night club




    Private club or lodge.



    Number of Parking Spaces
    Uses listed in categories (c) to (g) inclusive above One space for each 200 square feet of floor space.
    Commercial recreation uses other than the theatres, as listed in category (h) above One space for each 125 square feet of floor area.
    Private club or lodge One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
    Automobile and business service uses, listed in categories (a) and (b) above One space for each 3 employees or occupants.
    Theatres One space for each 6 seats.
    Churches One space for each 6 seats in the auditorium.
    Hotels One space for each 3 sleeping rooms.
    Mortuary or undertaking establishment One space for each 6 seats in chapel.
    Municipal or governmental building, public library or museum One space for each 200 square feet of ground floor area.
    Public auditorium One space for each 6 seats.
    Public or parochial school Elementary school—One space for each 10 students and staff.
    Junior high school—One space for each 8 students and staff.
    Senior high school—One space for each 5 students and staff.
    Hospital, medical and dental clinics Hospital—One space for each 200 square feet of sleeping area for patients.
    Medical and dental clinic—One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
    Baseball park, stadium, amusement park, athletic field One space for each 10 seats.
    Office building or professional building One space for each 200 square feet of floor area for a one-story building and one space for each 500 square feet of upper floor area in addition for buildings over one story.
    College or university One space for each 3 students and staff


    Loading and unloading berths: Loading and unloading berths of two hundred fifty (250) square feet shall be provided on the lot as follows:

    Use Gross Floor Space
    (square feet)
    Loading and Unloading Berths
    Retail stores 25,000 or less 1
    25,001 to 84,000 2
    84,001 to 156,000 3
    156,001 to 236,000 4
    236,001 to 325,000 5
    each 100,000 additional 1 additional
    Hotels 100,000 or less 1
    Office buildings For each 200,000 1


    Paving: Open parking, loading and unloading berths shall be paved with a dust proof or hard surface meeting the standard specifications of the City of Irving.

    Exceptions: Groups of uses requiring vehicle parking space may join in establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each participating use.

    Vehicle parking requirements shall not apply in a block, fifty (50) percent or more of the area of which was occupied by business or industrial structures at the time of passage of this ordinance.


    For each permissible use in the "H" district hereinafter specifically stated or implied, there shall be provided on the property, or upon a site within three hundred (300) feet from the principal use property (such site being subject to the approval of the zoning board of adjustment after receiving a favorable report from the planning and zoning commission) a parking space, open or enclosed, totaling two hundred fifty (250) square feet for each motor vehicle in accordance with the following use classifications:

    Number of Parking Spaces
    Department stores or other commercial uses One space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
    Wholesale establishment One space for each 3 employees


    Loading and unloading berths: Loading and unloading berths of two hundred fifty (250) square feet shall be provided on the lot as follows:

    Gross Floor Space
    (square feet)
    Loading and Unloading Berths
    Department stores, wholesale establishments 25,000 or less 1
    25,001 to 84,000 2
    84,001 to 156,000 3
    156,001 to 236,000 4
    236,001 to 325,000 5
    100,000 additional 1 additional


    Paving: Open parking area and loading and unloading berths shall be paved with a dust proof or hard surface meeting the standard specifications of the City of Irving.

    Exceptions: Groups of uses requiring parking space may join in establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each participating use.

    Vehicle parking requirements shall not apply in a block, fifty (50) percent or more of the area of which was occupied by business or industrial structures at the time of passage of this ordinance.


    For each permissible use in the "J", "K", "L" and "M" districts, there shall be provided on the property, or upon a site within three hundred (300) feet from the principal use property (such site being subject to the approval of the zoning board of adjustment after receiving favorable report from the planning and zoning commission) a parking space, open or enclosed, for each three (3) employees, totaling two hundred fifty (250) square feet for each motor vehicle.

    Loading and unloading berths: Loading and unloading berths of two hundred fifty (250) square feet each shall be provided on the rear of the lot as follows:

    Gross Floor Area
    (square feet)
    Loading and Unloading Berths
    25,000 or less 1
    25,001 to 84,000 2
    84,001 to 156,000 3
    156,001 to 236,000 4
    236,001 to 325,000 5
    Each 100,000 additional 1 additional


    Paving: Open parking area and loading berths shall be paved with a dust proof or hard surface meeting the standard specifications of the City of Irving.

    Exceptions: Groups of uses requiring vehicle parking space may join in establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each participating use.

    Vehicle parking requirements shall not apply in a block, fifty (50) percent or more of the area of which was occupied by business or industrial structures at the time of passage of this ordinance.

    Special requirements: In order to meet requirements for vehicle parking space, where such space is not available on the property occupied by a business or industrial use, in an "F", "G", "H" or "J" district, the zoning board of adjustment may, after conferring with and receiving a favorable report from the planning and zoning commission on a proposal, and further, after public notice and hearing, grant a permit for the establishment of a parking area, as an auxiliary use, on a lot or lots in an "A", "B", "C" or "D" district, provided that the entire area for the parking area is within three hundred (300) feet of the business or industrial use property involved and when the proposed parking area adjoins or is across an alley from said use in an "F", "G", "H" or "J" district, or, in the case of a church or place of congregations or people and automobiles in a residential district, immediately adjacent to such church or place of congregation and provided that:


    There shall be no sales, dead storage, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind on said parking area.


    Entrances and exits shall be approved as to location by the city planning commission.




    The lot shall be paved with a dust-proof or hard surface meeting the standard specifications of the city.


    No advertising signs may be erected upon such lot except at each street side of the lot to indicate the operator or purpose of the lot and to indicate entrances and exits, direction of traffic flow and conditions for parking. Such signs shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area and shall not extend more than ten (10) feet in overall height above the ground.


    Lighting facilities, if provided, shall be so arranged as to be reflected away from residentially zoned or use property.


    Any zoning district which permits manufacturing plants or research laboratories shall provide one parking space for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor space.


    Any zoning district which permits distribution, warehousing, and storage shall provide one parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor space.

(Ord. No. 3555, § 5, 11-20-80)