§ 35-10. Same—Approval.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The planning and zoning commission shall disapprove a final or preliminary/final plat within the thirty (30) days from the date it is accepted for filing with the department of community development unless:


    The final or preliminary/final plat complies with the provisions of this chapter and other applicable ordinances.


    The uses proposed for the property being subdivided are not inconsistent with the zoning regulations and other applicable ordinances of the city.


    Any final or preliminary/final plat not disapproved or approved by formal order of the planning and zoning commission within thirty (30) days from the date it is accepted for filing with the department of community development shall be deemed to be disapproved.


    The planning and zoning commission shall consider the final or preliminary/final plat and the report of the director of community development thereon, and shall approve such final or preliminary/final plat if it meets the requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances of the city; provided that the planning and zoning commission shall not approve final plat unless it has received the written recommendation of the director of community development, city engineer, and city traffic engineer recommending the approval of the final plat.


    Upon the approval of a final or preliminary/final plat by the planning and zoning commission it shall enter an order approving the final or preliminary/final plat, and evidence of such approval shall be by certificate on the final plat signed by the chairman of planning and zoning commission and attested to by the director of community development.


    If a final plat has not received a favorable written recommendation from the director of community development, city engineer, and city traffic engineer, planning and zoning commission action or nonaction shall not operate to approve the final plat for filing for record with the Dallas County Clerk, but such final plat or preliminary/final plat shall be deemed denied and shall not be placed on the city council agenda unless appealed in writing.


    Whether a plat is approved or disapproved, the required fee per lot shall not be refunded.


    Upon the approval of a final plat, one (1) good quality sepia mylar, minimum three (3) millimeter thickness, of the final plat shall be filed with the department of community development of the city.


    After a final plat has been finally approved by the planning and zoning commission or by the city council, the director of community development or his designee shall be authorized to file for record such plat with the recorder of deeds of the county.


    Any unauthorized alteration to the filed plat following final approval by the city shall render the plat void.

(Ord. No. 5740, § 2, 1-18-90; Ord. No. 6537, § 2, 12-15-94)