§ 35-6. Preliminary plat—Filing; form; contents.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person proposing to subdivide or plat land may file a preliminary plat of such proposed subdivision for consideration of the planning and zoning commission.


    One copy of a preliminary plat shall be filed with the department of community development of the city, and, if the preliminary plat conforms with the subdivision requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances, the department of community development shall require the filing of additional copies of such plat as required by the city, and upon the payment of the required fees shall submit the preliminary plat to the planning and zoning commission for consideration.


    Each preliminary plat shall be drawn on one or more sheets each measuring twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches drawn to a scale no smaller than one hundred (100) feet to one inch, and shall show the following information:


    The date, scale and north point, a plan showing the location of the tract, the title or name of the proposed subdivision and the name of the owner, engineer and surveyor.


    The existing boundary lines, zoning district lines and acreage of the land to be subdivided or platted, and the property lines, zoning district lines and the names of owners of adjacent properties.


    The locations of the centerlines of existing watercourses, railroads and other similar drainage and transportation features.


    The location, right-of-way width, and pavement width of existing streets, alleys, easements, lots and public areas on or adjoining any part of the land to be subdivided or platted.


    The locations, sizes and flow lines of all existing drainage structures on the land to be subdivided or platted and on adjoining tracts, and the number of acres draining into or through the proposed subdivision or plat.


    The locations and sizes of existing sanitary sewers, storm sewers and open drainage ditches, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the land to be subdivided or platted and on land immediately abutting such land.


    The names, locations, widths and dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, drainage facilities, parks and other public spaces, lot lines and building lines.


    Topographical information, with contours at an interval of one foot, referred to city datum with reference to benchmarks where available, which contours shall fall within one-third of a contour interval of five (5) feet may be allowed if the terrain is steep enough to warrant these intervals and when approved by the city engineer.


    The distance and bearing of one (1) of the corners of the boundary of the proposed subdivision or plat to the nearest intersection of existing streets or roads or to an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part or to a corner of an approved, recorded subdivision or plat or by equivalent means.

(Ord. No. 5740, § 2, 1-18-90)