§ 35-16. Design requirements generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All subdivisions shall conform to the master plans and design criteria of the city.


    Each lot within a subdivision shall abut upon a dedicated public street.


    In general, the side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines. Lots with double frontage shall be avoided except where lots rear upon a major street, freeway or expressway, or except where, in the opinion of the city engineer, a variation of this rule will provide a better street and lot layout.


    Front building lines conforming with the zoning regulations of the city or with any land use plan for the metropolitan area adopted by the city council or other building lines as required by the department of community development shall be shown on all lots.


    No lot shall have an area, lot depth, or lot width less than that required by the zoning regulations of the city except as provided below.


    This subsection (1) applies to any property in the city zoned for any type of single-family use.


    Transition requirement: Whenever a tract of land or lot zoned for any type of single family use is proposed to be subdivided into tracts or lots that are less than eighty (80) percent of the area of adjacent developed tracts or lots, transition lots are required to be included as a buffer area between existing developed tracts or lots and the proposed tracts or lots.


    Transitioning is only required of properties adjacent to or across a street right of way from existing residential development.


    "Existing residential development" in this section shall mean an unplatted tract of land established by a deed of record and/or a platted lot as of September 3, 2009, that is zoned for single family uses.


    Minimum lot size in the transition area shall be based on the average of the sizes of the existing developed tracts or lots on either side of or across the right of way from the subject property.


    Tracts or lots to be included in calculating the average lot size shall be those directly across the right of way from the subject property, and the three (3) tracts or lots on either or both sides of the subject property. (See Exhibits A and B.)


    Tracts or lots zoned AG (Agriculture) or R-40 (Single Family) are not to be included in calculating the average.


    Lots proposed within the initial two hundred fifty (250) feet of the subject property are required to be transition lots that shall be no less than eighty (80) percent of the lot width and lot area of the average of the lots in the area described in subsection (1)a.1.iii above. Lots beyond two hundred fifty (250) feet of the perimeter of the proposed plat or replat may comply with the minimum area requirements as established in the zoning of the property being platted or replatted.


    Lots that comply with all of the minimum area requirements of the R-40 single family zoning district shall be exempt from the transition lot requirements.


    The provisions of this subsection (1) take precedence over any other provisions of the city zoning or subdivision regulations relative to lot sizes and platting.


    Property zoned S-P-1, S-P-2, or Planned Unit Development with an approved development plan as of September 3, 2009, and property that undergoes rezoning after September 3, 2009, shall be exempt from the transitional lot requirements, and all lots within those areas may be platted in accordance with the approved zoning.




    All corner lots shall be at least seventy-five (75) feet wide, except corner lots adjacent to a segment of a side street upon which no property fronts; such segment is defined as that portion of a street between one (1) street intersection and the next intersection. Property zoned S-P-1, S-P-2, or Planned Unit Development with an approved development plan may be platted with corner lots laid out in accordance with the provisions of the approved site plan or development plan.


    Block lengths shall be determined primarily by the requirements of adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation into, out and through such new subdivision.


    Residential blocks shall not be longer than sixteen hundred (1,600) feet or shorter than six hundred (600) feet measured along the centerline of the block between cross streets, except blocks that front a street or rear upon a major street, freeway, expressway, railroad, creek, river, public school site or park. A variance from the requirement of block length may be granted in cases of unusual topography or shape of the plat boundary.


    Block widths shall be such as to allow for two (2) tiers of lots back to back, except where abutting a street to which access to the lot is prohibited, or where prevented by topographical conditions or size of the property.


    Residential plats shall be designed to create desirable neighborhoods with peace, quiet, safety and beauty wherein high residential values may be maintained over a long period of time.


    Commercial or industrial plats shall be designed to create safe, accessible and useful business and manufacturing districts which present a minimum of disturbance and annoyance to residential properties and to the traffic flow on major streets and highways. Plat design should place emphasis upon utility and spaciousness, allowing for automobile parking and for the movement of heavy vehicles, and the retention of natural features, and the inclusion of landscaping.


    Every plat including within its boundaries property within an area of special flood hazard under Ordinance No. 3549, the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Chapter 47), shall be designed in accordance with the standards established in said ordinance and shall include on the face of the plat any base flood elevation established thereunder and any floodway or other easements necessary thereunder.


    The city manager, within the purview of such authority as established by city charter and ordinances of the City of Irving, may adopt, issuance or approve rules and regulations concerning technical procedures, requirements, and standards as deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. No. 5740, § 2, 1-18-90; Ord. No. 2009-9116, § 1, 9-3-09; Ord. No. 2011-9290, § 1, 9-22-11)