§ 35-16.2. Undergrounding utilities.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. Utility service placed within developments for which subdivision plats were approved by the city after March 3, 2011, shall conform to the requirements of this section.




    Utility service shall mean electrical and communication distribution and service, such as electrical, telephone, internet, and television service or similar service, in which lines, cables, or wires are used for distribution or delivery of the utility service to the end user of such service. Utility service shall not include an electric transmission system or electric feeder lines.


    Electric transmission system shall mean all conductors, circuit breakers, switches, and related facilities and appurtenances of the electric transmission system rated to deliver 69 kV or above.


    Electric feeder lines shall mean all electrical lines that emanate from substations to distribute power throughout an area and not to an end user of electric service.


    Residential, commercial, and industrial. Utility service for residential subdivision, multi-family, commercial, and industrial developments shall be installed and maintained underground in compliance with applicable utility service regulations.


    Auxiliary equipment; street and site lighting equipment. In those areas in which utility service is required by this section to be placed underground, the following equipment shall be pad-mounted on grade or placed underground:


    Auxiliary equipment for such utility service, such as transformers, connection enclosures, switching devices, and amplifiers; and


    Street and site lighting equipment, except for the poles to which the lights are affixed.


    Cost. The cost of installing utility service underground shall be the responsibility of the property owner or the developer who is seeking utility service for their property. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to require the city or the utility company to bear the additional cost of placing utility service underground.


    Temporary service. Temporary utility service to construction sites may be provided by overhead means, provided that when underground utility service to the entire subdivision is completed, such overhead electrical lines and facilities will be promptly removed.

(Ord. No. 2011-9231, § 1, 3-3-11)