§ 35-20. Widths and alignment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Street right-of-way widths and roadway cross-section design shall be in conformity with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan Master Thoroughfare Plan as adopted by the city council.


    The minimum right-of-way width requirements may be achieved by any combination of right-of-way and sidewalk and/or street easement when a written recommendation of approval is provided to the planning and zoning commission by the director of public works and engineering, or his designee, and the director of traffic and transportation, or his designee.


    The planning and zoning commission may grant exceptions to either or both right-of-way width and/or roadway cross-section design requirements of the Comprehensive Plan Master Thoroughfare Plan as part of approval of a preliminary/final or final plat with the written approval of both the director of traffic and transportation, or his designee, and the director of public works and engineering, or his designee. Criteria to be considered in granting an exception include, but are not limited to:


    The plat dedicates right-of-way and/or easements for its share of the street frontage, but the remainder of the street frontage does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan Master Thoroughfare Plan;


    The adjacent street is existing and functioning at an acceptable level of service;


    The owner of the property being platted does not own the remainder of the property fronting the street frontage which does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan Master Thoroughfare Plan;


    The adjacent street is scheduled to be improved by the city, county or other public agency with bonds or other governmental funds;


    The plat is for an infill type of development within an otherwise developed area.


    Subdivisions need not follow a gridiron pattern. Courts, dead-end streets or other arrangements may be provided if proper access is given to all lots from a public or private dedicated street or court. All dead-end streets shall terminate in a cul-de-sac having a minimum radius of fifty (50) feet for automobile turn around.


    Reserve strips controlling access to public streets shall be prohibited except where such control is definitely placed under the jurisdiction of the city.


    When land proposed to be subdivided or platted is partially or totally bounded on one or more sides by a street having a width less than that specified in this section, such land shall be laid out so as to provide the specified street widths. One-half of the additional right-of-way required shall be provided by the owner of the property on each side of the existing street.


    A half street along adjoining property which has not been subdivided may be shown on the preliminary plat of an entire subdivision, but no lots abutting upon such half street shall be included in the final plat of such subdivision as approved.


    Visibility requirements as specified by the city shall be required.

(Ord. No. 5740, § 2, 1-18-90; Ord. No. 7627, § 1, 3-23-00)