§ 4-6. Additional ambient air and emission standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city council hereby adopts the following ambient air and emission standards for those air contaminants and activities which are specified below:


    Particulate matter from certain activities. Open storage and open processing operations, including on-site transportation movements, which are the source of windborne dust or other particulate matter, and the operation of equipment which generates suspended particulate matter, such as that used in paint spraying, grain handling, and/or gravel processing or storage, or sand blasting, shall be so conducted that dust and other particulate matter is not transported across the boundary line of the property on which the operation is conducted in visible emissions.


    Any person or business causing or permitting on their premises an operation conducted in violation of section 4-6(a)(1) on two (2) separate days shall be deemed guilty of creating a nuisance. The city may cause to be instituted a civil suit for injunctive and other appropriate relief to abate such nuisance.

(Ord. No. 1811, § 7; Ord. No. 3632, § 2, 4-9-81; Ord. No. 5853, § 2, 9-6-90)