§ 6-6. Animal waste requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is unlawful for any person to maintain any pen, enclosure, yard, or area for any animal in an unsanitary manner, or in a manner offensive or disagreeable to a person of ordinary sensibilities.


    A person in control of the pen, enclosure, yard, or area for an animal shall collect and remove animal feces frequently enough to maintain compliance with this section but in no cases less than twice weekly. Fecal material shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner.


    It is unlawful for an owner or harborer to allow his or her dog's feces to remain in any public place or another person's private property. (This provision may be referred to as the Pooper Scooper Law.)


    It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under subsection (c) that the site contained only animal feces from a herbivore and was a residential compost mound or was zoned for agricultural uses, not within five hundred (500) feet of residentially zoned property, and not in violation of subsection (a) above. Such compost mounds shall only be utilized if measures are taken to protect against breeding of flies and to prevent migration of fly larvae (maggots) into the surrounding soil.

(Ord. No. 8597, § 1, 1-26-06)