§ 8A-21. Operational and emergency prevention standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each permit holder shall ensure the residents' health, safety, comfort, and protection from hazards and shall comply with the following:


    City adopted fire and building codes; city zoning regulations, federal, state, and city health and safety codes; federal and state accessibility regulations; and other applicable ordinances;


    Mobile homes and HUD-code manufactured homes may not be used as a boarding home facility;


    Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in compliance with the city's building code provisions for either new construction or building alterations requiring a permit, and shall be maintained in compliance with the city's fire code;


    Maintain the residence or dwelling and its premises in a clean and sanitary condition;


    Pathways, stairways and exits must be kept in good repair, unobstructed, and accessible at all times;


    Provide from each room used for sleeping purposes at least one (1) emergency escape and rescue opening;


    Store any flammable supplies or gasoline-operated maintenance equipment and lawn care equipment in the garage of the facility or in a detached storage shed;


    Provide a sufficient number of properly charged and accessible fire extinguishers; and


    Install and properly maintain a visual smoke alarm that is capable of alerting a hearing impaired person of the presence of fire or smoke, if the boarding home facility has a resident who is hearing impaired.


    Each permit holder shall implement a written fire and evacuation plan that complies with the following:


    The plan must set forth the responsibilities and steps to be taken by staff and residents in the event of a fire or other emergency.


    If a boarding home facility has a resident who has a mobility impairment, the permit holder shall submit the written plan to the Irving Fire Department and obtain its approval of the plan.


    The emergency evacuation plan must be posted in each sleeping room and the kitchen of the facility.


    The permit holder shall ensure that all residents are shown how to use all emergency exits from the boarding home facility and that each resident receives training on the emergency evacuation plan within ten (10) days of moving into the boarding home facility and at least one (1) more time during the same calendar year. The permit holder shall maintain documentation of such training.


    Operation of a boarding home facility may not result in illegal or nuisance activities, including disturbance of the peace, illegal drug activity, harassment of passers-by, public urination, theft, assault, vandalism, littering, illegal parking, loud noise, disorderly conduct, lewd conduct, or police detention and/or arrests.

(Ord. No. 2015-9654 , § 1, 1-15-15)