§ IV. Conditional uses.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The following uses, or structural alterations thereto, which are classified as Conditional Uses, may be permitted by the zoning board of adjustment in a district where not otherwise permitted in accordance with the procedures specified herein:


    Airports or aircraft land field.


    Baseball park, amusement parks, athletic fields, circuses, carnivals and fairgrounds (commercial).




    Trailer park, or cabins (see city ordinance).


    Sewage pump station, disposal plant or garbage disposal plant.


    Sanitary fill or refuse dump.


    Junkyards (refer to city ordinance governing same).


    Drive-in theatres, dance halls, skating rinks.


    Golf driving or archery ranges, miniature golf courses (commercial).




    Gun clubs, skeet or target ranges.


    Community centers, owned or operated by nonprofit organizations, swimming pools (commercial).


    Hospitals for mental patients, alcoholics or contagious diseases, or penal or correctional institutions.


    Radio or television towers, under such safeguards as the zoning board of adjustment may require.


    Riding stables or tracks.


    Building or the use of premises for public utility purposes or public service corporations, only when the zoning board of adjustment, upon consultation with the planning and zoning commission deems such uses or buildings reasonably necessary for public convenience, safety, health or welfare.


    Upon receipt of an application for a conditional use by the zoning board of adjustment, it shall be referred to the planning and zoning commission for investigation as to the manner in which the proposed location and character of the conditional use will affect the Master City Plan of Irving. The city planning and zoning commission shall report the results of its study of said application of the zoning board of adjustment, and if the report is favorable toward the application, the zoning board of adjustment may, after public notice and hearing according to law, grant the permit including the imposition of conditions of use inconsistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of this ordinance, will not substantially and permanently injure the appropriate use of neighboring property, and will substantially serve the public convenience and welfare.

(Ord. No. 905, § 2, 5-16-63)