§ 35-9. Same—Form; contents.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each final plat shall be drawn in ink at a scale of one inch equals one hundred (100) feet or greater on one or more sheets measuring twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches and shall show the following information:


    Date, subdivision title, scale and north point.


    The boundary lines of the area to be subdivided, and the correct legal description of the property being subdivided and one corner of the boundary of the subdivision shall be tied by distance and bearing to the nearest intersection of existing streets or road or to an original survey of which it is a part or to a corner of an approved, recorded plat or by equivalent means.


    The lines and names of all proposed streets or other ways or easements, including a statement of the purpose for which such easements are dedicated, and also the lines and names of other open spaces to be dedicated for public use or granted for use of the inhabitants of the subdivision.


    Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, boundary line, block line, building line and zoning district line whether curved or straight, and including the true north point. This shall include the radius, central angle and tangent distance for the property lines of curved streets and curved property lines. Linear dimensions shall be given to the nearest one and one-hundredths ( 1/100 ) of a foot and all bearings and angles shall be shown to the nearest minute. Deflection angles, radii, tangents, central angles of curves and the chords and arcs of curves shall be shown and all bearings shall be true bearings.


    The location of all permanent monuments and control points, and suitable primary control points to which all dimensions, bearings and similar data shall be referred.


    A statement signed and acknowledged by the owner dedicating all streets, alleys, easements, parks and other open spaces to public use, or when the subdivider has made provision for perpetual maintenance thereof to the inhabitants of the subdivision or plat.


    A certificate bearing the signature and seal of the surveyor who made the survey certifying that he has accurately surveyed such subdivision and attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the correct location of all monuments shown, and that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys and public ways and grounds are accurately staked and marked.


    As a condition precedent to filing with the department of community development every final plat shall be duly acknowledged by the owners of the land, or by a duly authorized agent of said owners, in the manner required for the acknowledgement of deeds. If the plat is acknowledged by a person other than the owner of the land, the agent shall attach an affidavit of the owner, duly acknowledged, which reflects that the agent or person acknowledging the plat has been so authorized. Ratification by lien holders will also be required where such plat contains dedications.


    Each preliminary/final plat shall provide all information required for a final plat as described in subsection 35-9(a) and all information required for a preliminary plat as described in section 35-6.


    The applicant shall have the option of providing the information required by section 35-6(c)(6) and (c)(8) on a separate drawing from the preliminary/final plat.

(Ord. No. 5740, § 2, 1-18-90)